Reviews for Resonance in a Vacuum
Truna chapter 1 . 9/13
3 Love a slightly angstier and younger depiction of them - so real.
anonymous chapter 1 . 4/30
hey, what a coincidence; i listened to 'the queen is dead' cover-to-cover just yesterday, and then first fic i read to get back into negitoro has a mention. anyway, this is a lovely piece of writing; your other works are timeless and this shorter fic is no exception, with wonderful characterisation supplemented with realistic dialogue. i love how you've done miku in particular: you can feel how close to bursting she is with how she reacts to luka (they play off each other so well), and us readers really can relate to the necessary relief provided only by a sweet treat during hard times. your fics never fail to impress, so keep up the good stuff!
The DarkCat chapter 1 . 4/30
I adored this fanfic. I really enjoyed the small town atmosphere here: with the rundown camper, the empty fields, surrounding it, the empty cafe, for outsidersit painted a really warm image to me... Miku's and Luka's conversations were adorable, realistic, and the awkward instances between them were the best! The descriptions descriptions were amazing here, along with the characters' actions, dialogue, it all helped to flesh out them out. Anyway, thank you so much for writing this!
Psykoakuma chapter 1 . 4/29
Oh hell yes this is fantastic! It's such a perfect combination of cute and sexually charged, this story is seriously leeking tuna lol! One thing that I found surprisingly enjoyable is how awkward a lot of the conversation wound up being! Rather than anything cringy it totally added to the charm! I think my favorite part is when Miku actually goes for it! I didn't expect her to be so bold so quickly and it blew me away! And she still goes about it in such an adorable way! I wonder if there's room for two in Luka's shower. It's important to save the water after all lol!
IdrewAcow chapter 1 . 4/28
This was nothing short of amazing! Got that good old teen angst, a dash of fluff with a sprinkle of romance, topped with a happy ending in a 'shithole town'...
Everything is that so wonderfully balanced; the plot feels real but is simple enough to fit in the short format. The characters are three-dimensional, with their audible accents/dialects, one-liners, and gestures. Speaking of gestures, the way you have their emotions speak through their body language so clearly that it can be read is fantastic.
All in all? It's like a delicious cake in a mug, warm and tasty, that you can savor and finish in a single sitting. And it would be just right, just enough to be perfectly satisfying.
Thanks for sharing!
anon chapter 1 . 4/27
I can't ever get enough of your writing sir. This piece was no exception. A good dose of angst tied in with a nice dash of sweetness. Thank you.
MikuxLuka401 chapter 1 . 4/27
I loved every single syllable of it. Your environmental descriptions are *kisses fingers* magnifique. And using rose quartz to pin the color of Luka's hair i really like personally.

I don't know if this was intentional but Miku's description of Luka's boobs gets progressively more explicit the more time she spends around her XD We start with "shapely" to "busty and hot as hell" to "huge" as if Miku is thinking of Luka in a more sexual way the more she relaxes. I don't know if that was intentional but I thought it was both funny and clever.

Also I gave Luka a Midwestern accent in my head and thank you for writing a fic that let me feasibly do that. It was freakin cute.

Thank you for the hard work 3