Reviews for Fixer
The100fan09 chapter 12 . 7/27
ahhh i’m obsessed with this story
mickeiblue chapter 12 . 7/27
Oh the web is getting tangled. Lincoln lives! his death is still one of the hardest moments in 100 for me, always makes me cry. Such a good man. So good he gets to live in your story. All Grace's changes have small and huge ramifications, clarke and lexa not getting together, bellamy and clarke happening earlier, grace my be completely erasing ehr own existance creating a new family for Bellarkes future. Without the death wave and Clarke being left on earth how does Madi join the family, her actions means she's losing her sister, it would be interesting for Grace to meet a young Madi, before their sisters and to think about the change. then again with Madi's group refusing nightblood she might be the only survivor of the clan and hence ends up right where she belongs anyway.

wow grace killed pike. great chapter
Jo Hamel chapter 12 . 7/27
Loving this.

Surprised that Echo was cold with Bellamy; if anything she should have been a bit apologetic.

Will Grace end up with Lexa or Roan? It seems that in this new timeline Grace is taking on much of the burden that Clarke had before so Grace will gain most of the clans’ respect. Perhaps Wanheda will be allowed to fade?
sam chapter 12 . 7/26
thanks ;)
The100fan09 chapter 11 . 7/18
AHHH YOU LEFT US HANGING ON THAT! i and emotionally attached to this lmao
sam chapter 11 . 7/18
thanks ;)
Lila chapter 11 . 7/18
Hey just wanted to let you know that I found your story today and that I really like it so far. Keep going I'm excited for the next chapter :)
The100fan09 chapter 10 . 7/5
you don’t know how much i love this story! keep up with the good work!
Fanfictionreader03 chapter 1 . 6/29
I love your story! Will future Bellamy and Clarke make an appearance? And what about Madi?
sam chapter 9 . 6/18
great, thank you ;)
will clarke and bellamy take the first dose of nightblood to help with blood marrow?
sam chapter 8 . 6/2
thank you
sam chapter 7 . 5/31
great, thanks ;)
bellamy is a great dad :)
12 chapter 6 . 5/24
Just a warning here I'd be careful about joining them up with the coalition because that fell through for a lot of reasons and Pike was only one.
sam chapter 5 . 5/23
great story, thanks ;)
can't wait for more
The100fan09 chapter 5 . 5/20
Ahhh I’m in love with this story. But you left me with a cliffhangerrrrr ahhh lmao
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