Reviews for Forging a New Name
vgamit2103 chapter 18 . 8/27
Good work
griezz chapter 18 . 8/26
So many comparisons come to mind... For one, the godlike child from THE TWILIGHT ZONE (both original seriesfilmlook how that Golding turned out. For another, Franklin Richards, the young son of two members of Marvel Comics' FANTASTIC FOUR; he is a young mutant with the ability of warp reality itself, so what does his father, Reed Richards do? The first thing he does is forcefully install mental blocks into the mind of his then-toddler, to block access to his powers. Recently in the comics, Richards even secretly modified his child's genetic makeup, so that his mutant son wouldn't register as such.

As for Dumbledore... Oh, there will be hell to pay for his abuse of a child. I'm also hoping to get more of RonHermione, to find out just how much they knew... And how much they deserve to be punched in the face. Finally, with proof of this much meddling and evil intent, I think we really need to check in with Snape, to see how much he knew as well.

Can't wait to see where we end up next!
F077 chapter 18 . 8/26
Me encanto el capitulo un poco corto pero esta buenísimo gracias por escribir una historia tan buena
Guest chapter 16 . 8/13
Fun chapter, with some interesting developments.

I wonder if Voldemort felt the loss of the soul piece or just his connection to Harry.

Looking forward to the next one.
F077 chapter 16 . 8/14
Me encanto el capitulo está buenísimo me encanta como escribes ya quiero leer el siguiente capitulo lo espero con ansias
griezz chapter 16 . 8/12
One thing that I remember (or don't remember in this case) was any reaction from Voldemort on the destruction of a horcrux. Really, the only horcrux losses where Voldy was anywhere close by were Harry and the snake. For Harry while we witnessed the end of the soul fragment, we never saw any reaction by the physical Tom Riddle. The only reaction he ever had was to the loss of Nagini, and that may have been due to her being Tom's familiar, rather than his horcrux.
F077 chapter 15 . 8/6
Me encanta este fic es buenísimo ya quiero leer el siguiente capitulo lo espero con ansias gracias por tomarte el tiempo de escribir una historia tan buena
F077 chapter 1 . 8/5
Me gusto mucho el capitulo
Guest chapter 2 . 7/29
Independent Harry finally off the 20 million chains
Guest chapter 12 . 7/22
I could not help but notice a lack of flashforward scenes in the last few chapters. Pity, I really liked them.

I have always thought that Rowling came up with her Galleon-to-Pound conversion on a whim. Then again, the prices seen in the books seem so inconsistent. If 700 Galleon can barely pay for a vacation for seven to Egypt and some new school things, I cannot imagine how anyone would willingly risk their life just to win 1000 Galleons, eternal glory or not.

I do not think I have ever seen Ollivander have such a role in Dumbledore's schemes before. The idea has some merit.
Aqua Lilly chapter 12 . 7/22
Okay, now I must know: What did Lawhead do to offend you so badly?! Never read his work myself but I am very curious now.
Aqua Lilly chapter 4 . 7/22
What about the shed skin in the tunnel?
Kyu9930 chapter 12 . 7/17
You could always make it so that what Ollivander sells is sort of a beginner wand that is subsidised by the ministry, sort of some ancient agreement that was codified in the past between the wizard's council and wandmakers. But the actual wand that a wizrd/witch uses past a certain point where their magic has grown costs much much more, as suited to your expectations? Or you could even go further to say that the best mages craft their own foci after going on a journey of self discovery and maturation. A wand/foci made as a representation of the wizard/mage's accumulated experiences. No need for too many crafting materials jammed into one wand/foci. Just more intricate?

There were also fics out there that explored the resonance of magic and the world, the soul voice of the world/things that make up the world. Black09's fic is one example.
vgamit2103 chapter 11 . 7/9
Good work
griezz chapter 11 . 7/8
You know what gets me most about the whole Dumbledore& Harry-as-Chosen-One? "Power that the Dark Lord knows not", yeah? Dumbledore thinks that it's Love, right? So tell me this: exactly how in Merlin's name is Harry supposed to use Love to defeat Riddle, when Dumbledore has done his best to cut Harry off from any idea of love?

Raised as an abused slave by hateful relatives, kept apart from his own godfather, constantly abandoned by his so-called friends, made a parish by his classmatesby the magical public as a whole... How is he supposed to understand and use Love, when he has never been shown it by those around him?
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