Reviews for Rather Me Than Her
lovesgym chapter 1 . 9/7
beautiful- loved the description of Buck's head injury, how he kept repeating himself and was worried he was late for work.
Guest Amelia chapter 1 . 6/8
This was great! It needs to be an actual episode! So perfectly done and your characterization was spot on!
Victoria.Annxx chapter 1 . 5/3
Aww the little scene at the end between Buck and Bobby was cute, he’s definitely a father to Buck. I’m glad Buck’s okay, I’m sure he’ll be moaning about having to be off work for a while soon enough though knowing him.
I think Bobby needs to stop jumping to conclusions about Buck, assumptions lead to bad things and look how wrong Bobby was here.
Nice story, I liked it.
BobWhite chapter 1 . 5/3
okay, need a second chapter please. keep going