Reviews for Izuku The Jade Rabbit
Xyrothor chapter 4 . 8/3
love this work, original and fairly thought out. it is a bit of an oversight in the original that deku os depicted as an analytical mind but he does not use his head to often... you are doing magnificent job here, keep up the good work
NyaNyaKittyFace chapter 4 . 7/30
I’m absolutely loving this story so far. I can’t wait to see how progresses.
TheBrokenTool chapter 4 . 7/29
Awesome ff cant wait for more chapters
Middernact chapter 4 . 7/24
I hope you update soon.

I like the explanation how ofa should make midoriya more durable and I love the teasing action of some of the girls hope to see more!
Guest chapter 4 . 7/24
Very nice
Guest chapter 4 . 7/24
Now this is good, and why do I feel kinoko and ghost girl well ask Izuku out first.
epantoja521 chapter 4 . 7/26
Wow deku is making good improvement
buzzurros chapter 4 . 7/24
even canon 1b grew more in quirk skill than 1a, as showed during the combined training, because Vlad actually trained that part instead of letting the student figure out by themselves.
1A grew more due the direct threat of the league, but some student lagged behind
Guest chapter 4 . 7/23
Good chapter, competent UA staff is such a nice change of pace.
Putain de Plagieur chapter 4 . 7/25
While I'm happy about this new chapter which was good, I wonder what's the reason behind Kuroiro's despite of Izuku. Jealous because he has Kinoko's affection? Type of people he can't stand? Either way, I feel like the dude is going to make big mistakes in this fic... mainly in the USJ arc. And also the Sport Festival and Final Exams arcs. Keep up the good work!
Vilkath chapter 4 . 7/24
I never did understand why Full Cowl took Izuku so long to figure out in cannon. I mean it seems fairly obvious if you just look at All Might. He doesn't just buff up a single muscle in his body, he does all of them. He's not walking around with a huge arm and a tiny legs or anything like that.
RickRich809 chapter 4 . 7/24
Praise be Vlad-sensei! I love how you turned him into a supportive paternal-like teacher that actually is proactive in teaching. The segment about his own Hero entree in Izuku's book was ace.

I never really got why Aizawa being this expulsion-happy teacher was considered a good thing, you go to school to learn how to grow not to be fully devolved in your field from the start. Aizawa hardly ever tackles the obvious issues his students have, like personality issues or quirk usage, never confronting Bakugo's shit attitude or Shoto's unwillingness to use his full abilities even in seemingly life or death situations (USJ).

Izuku is a very lucky boy, heh.

It's a nice touch to see how simply tossing Izuku into a supportive environment leads him to grow faster, the kid obviously had tons of potential being the 9th successor. Yet all of his teachers basically teach him shit aside from All Might and Gran Torino a little.
Vilkath chapter 3 . 7/24
As for Ibara in the harem, it could happen. I mean first off I think the Christian aspect is mostly an English dub thing right? She was merely spiritual for the Japanese version right? I can't say I looked heavily into it but I am familiar with how anime's change things to better fit a local audience. Though I am unsure what stance her possible religion might have on polygamy anyways.

While I really don't think Izuku has to have a bigger harem, it's one of those things where the girls in UA are all so nice, cute and deserving of a good boyfriend I can't help but want them all to be with Izuku. So in my opinion I don't think Ibara be 100% against such a thing, just more resistant against "Sin" than others and more than likely never want to go "all the way" with out serious commitment, aka marriage or some kind of official event.
Monarchs-sama chapter 4 . 7/24
I love this story, keep up the good work! Are you going to have kuroiro eventually snap at midoriya?
Ethero Walker chapter 4 . 7/24
Does this mean that izuku will start using his legs more often now cause if that's the case I friggin love it. I mean I personally loved it when he started kicking the crap out of chisaki in the anime And would love to see him doing some One piece sanji level kicks later on hopeful in this story if you do go there I mean honestly he seems more suited for kicks than punches that's all I hope you continue making this fantastic story for us
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