Reviews for Waves on the Sand
RandomDude8122 chapter 1 . 6/17
hope the next chapter can be up soon
Lux's Sister chapter 9 . 6/2
Love it. Lux and Obi-Wan's nonchalance is the best.
RandomDude8122 chapter 9 . 6/2
Very well action written sequence! Looking forward to the next chapter
Lux's Sister chapter 8 . 5/29
Lux texting to pass the time is hilarious.
RandomDude8122 chapter 6 . 5/22
can't wait for the next chapter!
Lux's Sister chapter 6 . 5/21
Is that Obi-Wan? Ahsoka's going to be in for an earful!
Lux's Sister chapter 4 . 5/14
I loved the Death In Paradise cameo! It fits so well with the rest of the story.