Reviews for Explosivity
Inumie chapter 5 . 6/2
Hi ! That was a good Chapter ! Thank youu !
BTW There is the same problem for Chapter 6... Can't read it
Inumie chapter 5 . 6/1

I think you need to re-editated your chapter because we can't read it... Thank you !
Guest chapter 4 . 5/29
Inumie chapter 4 . 5/27
why ?

why did I read that before sleeping ? Oh god, I'm in my brad, tears on my pillow... That is so sad and beautiful at the same time. I just want to call my boyfriend and tell him how much I love him. Thank you that was perfect !
Inumie chapter 3 . 5/14
hi !
I read your 3 stories today and it was so cool ! I really like the Third one *0* it's such a good idea ! and you should write a next chapiter or an entire story about it :p
thank youu bye
polina.udovenko chapter 3 . 5/13
My personal fav. is the last OneShot. It was cinda cute, but it’s a pity it already ended...