Reviews for The Caduceus
Guest chapter 10 . 7/29
Are you still working on this?
HFelder03 chapter 10 . 7/29
This chapter was interesting. I loved the way you made Percy and Hades interact. I never liked that Hades was so gloomy in the original series and that he was so underrated. I’m still wondering if you will have Zoë die or not. Keep up the good work!
greenarrow679 chapter 10 . 7/29
AMAZING story so far! Cant wait to see elaines reaction to percy and blackjacks bonding
TwentyBelow chapter 10 . 7/26
Okay well dang, this is absolutely amazing so far. I ADORE your writing style and pacing and how you've characterized Percy here. On the pairing, as of now I'm picking up a lot of Perlia vibes but I know that can't happen really because she needs to join the hunt, but that's just my two cents. Going with Katie as you suggested earlier would be interesting as I've never really seen her utilized in a big way like pairing her with the main character.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/24
It’s like the books but my way, I can guess what happens sometimes! Thank you!
Guest chapter 2 . 7/24
so good!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/24
So good! I have actually wondered about this before and you did it so perfectly!
Mr Demigod chapter 10 . 7/24
That was really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really good! I can tell you’ve been watching the Percy Jackson movies though, with all the sword twirling. (Not that that’s a bad thing!) Thank you for updating! But pleeeeeeaaaase do the next part quicker! I thought you wouldn’t continue this!
SR-Barnum chapter 10 . 7/25
I’m loving this story so far! I’m really enjoying the relationships building between the five on the quest, they make a great team. I especially like percy’s interactions with Thalia, they seem to understand eachother really well. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to write this and I hope you update soon! :)
Eliana311 chapter 10 . 7/24
Yayyyyyy! You're back! Oh thank god i was going crazy, i Read it three times in this last month! Loved the chapter. Oh Percy darling, you're screwed. Looks like you'll be going back to Hades soon!
Mike2020 chapter 10 . 7/24
Honestly one of the best stories I’ve read. You really need to see this one all the way through. You’re really talented and these chapters are AMAZING!
flyingzuzu14 chapter 10 . 7/24
I love your story! It's actually on of the best stories I have encountered on fanfiction. Keep up the great work!
BethnPercy chapter 3 . 7/24
I was going to say Pertemis but now I really want Perzoe. Please make it happen. I love your dynamic of this story and how original it is. I think that the daughter of posiedon and Percy should either become best friends or let her be a throwaway because she isn't needed. Honestly I would have said put Clarisse on the quest since Percy couldn't go but I still like your idea.
DebatorMax chapter 10 . 7/24
Really like the orginality. Already better than my story. With that said can you incorporate any romans into it before HoO
Assassin's court chapter 9 . 7/1
I loved everything so far. Hope you dont quit this story
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