Reviews for My butler, my partner
valkrus chapter 2 . 5/25
again pacing problems way too DAMN fast just straight from A to B with no suspense, build-up or whatever just no drama even in the slightest, not even deep insights or description of thoughts from characters (there is a bit on Momo side but the term "a bit" isn't what you called enough)

extreme lack of character relationship development due to pacing problem above, we could have a chapter on how everyone interacts with each other but instead, we got a ton of time skips

within the first few lines, you accidentally use the first person pronoun "me"

Not sure this is nitpicking but Izuku switch between milady and mistress constantly for no reason

in conclusion, might want to rewrite the whole thing. Sound harsh and painful but from my perspective, this looks like a mess that was hastily thrown in for the world to see. Really need to cut and expand parts
valkrus chapter 1 . 5/25
I think you have to fix the pace it's really fast in this chapter alone
when they managed to escape why is the Yaoyorozu is right outside with a very convenient timing with no signs nor mentions of police, pros rescuing them?
Also, the full name is Momo Yaoyorozu, Yaomomo is just a nickname she got when she befriended the 1-A girls
ghostitan chapter 1 . 5/17
please update really good
tiguylerobot chapter 1 . 5/16
i can see thing arriving in the futur: Endeavor trying to buy momo to engaged her to shoto, shoto being a dick and don't like izuku at all. izuku not liking shoto either and kicking his ass...
AnimeFan2003 chapter 1 . 5/16
I forgot to mention you can take inspiration from Mizutori's Thank You fanfic.
It is my favorite Bnha story and it is extremely well written.
Also it is Izuku x Momo
AnimeFan2003 chapter 1 . 5/16
I like the story idea my only criticism is that if you take it a little slower, this fic can evolve into something amazing. Also I hope i am not being rude but I saw your favorite stories and found that the both of us have very similar tastes in pairing.
eg, I like Harry and Daphne & I love Izuku x Momo
Wind Serenity chapter 1 . 5/16
Yaomomo Yaoyorozu? Do you mean Momo Yaoyorozu, nickname Yaomomo or is it really as is?
Xyrothor chapter 1 . 5/16
ok I like the concept, but execution is a bit... a lot meh, you omitted a lot of things I that escape of theirs, I guess you wanted to do on to the ua part of the story faster but its just not to elegant looking :p but it was somewhat enjoyable so that's that :D
ShadowKing241 chapter 1 . 5/16
I like this, there isn't enough butler izuku fanfiction out there
ThatOneFellow chapter 1 . 5/16
Just read the author’s bioTruly a shame really
ThatOneFellow chapter 1 . 5/16
Aww this is so cute and fluffy despite the rough start. I love it, wish there were more though.