Reviews for Makes You Stronger
Kimberlee Knapp Tibbetts chapter 9 . 7/8
very interesting. can't wait for more!
Minervamcgonagall777 chapter 9 . 6/6
This is such a good story! I can’t wait for more!
Kimmie chapter 9 . 6/6
I love Hermione and Severus together. I don't care about age I just hope Severus is with her when she faces the Weasley. I think he could help her as much as Draco and pansy. Anyway love love love Hermione be and Severus together
Guest chapter 9 . 6/4
I knew Ron wouldn’t give up that easily. As far as he’s concerned, he has rights over Hermione and he wants his property back.

Let’s hope that when that inevitable confrontation happens Hermione will actually be stronger and better able to put him in his place. I fear she is currently trying to put on a brave facade, but is no where near strong enough to stand up to Ron right now. I trust she will get there and when she does Ron will reap what he has sown.

Pansy is such a good friend for reminding Hermione that she’s deserves to have fun and be happy.
Stgoody chapter 9 . 6/4
Your have a great story but I like Ron bashing. I could see you jumping ahead like 6 months and Hermione has been taking either a self defense class or some kind of martial arts, keeping up with her therapist, and maybe taking some Uni courses and of course working with Severus. She could be regaining back who she was and more she could have a physically stronger body, mind and magic.
She never really got a chance to grow into the strong , confident, powerful Witch she should have been and Severus will be watching as she emerges.
Lucyole chapter 9 . 6/4
A nice chapter trouble is still brewing in Britain and Hermione isn't really safe as long as Ron is free that no one really wonder's why she vanished is beyond me I mean a death eater or someone else dark might brag about something like that to his friends. Severus isnvt sure what to think about Hermione's dilemma. Hermione really should learn some self defense. More please *cookies for inspiration and the good work*
Theolene909 chapter 8 . 6/4
Abusers should NOT be redeemed! He hurt Hermione, cutting her off from the rest of the world, lying to her. She is frightened and moved half way around the world for protection.

Ronald Weasley is witless and idiotic prick. He does not deserve redemption. (At least not in the way he has been written)
Kallanit chapter 9 . 6/3
There is no way Ron would have stopped looking after a mere three weeks. Not without a cold, dead body in front of him. I must admit I'm worried about what will happen when he finds Hermione, but as you've indicated an eventual Hermione/Severus pairing, I have confidence she'll live through it.

In an earlier chapter, you mentioned Hermione's eyes had been dead during the abuse. Why did none of the Weasleys or Harry pick up on it? On her changed behaviour? That Ron was an addict? Or didn't they care? I never thought Molly liked Hermione very much, and Harry has a habit of supporting Ron over Hermione. Would the rest of the Weasleys support Ron because he's family or would they accept that what he's done is insupportable? I'm looking forward to seeing their reactions once they learn what Ron has done.

To answer an earlier question, I don't think there's redemption for Ron, especially not if he hasn't accepted it was his fault Hermione left and therefore is still looking for her. If something could cause him to turn to addiction, violence and abuse once, then the right trigger will always cause him to revert to that behaviour, and the trigger won't always be the same thing.

Thanks for the update. Looking forward to more.

By the way, I know this is a Hermione/Severus pairing, but I hope she reaches out to Viktor at some point as well. She needs more friends who aren't also Ron's friends.
Kallanit chapter 7 . 6/3
Another thing Hermione could do to fill in time, which would be a useful skill in her new life, would be to take driving lessons. Just a thought.
Love the Fic chapter 8 . 6/3
Ron redemption negative.
takingflight48 chapter 8 . 6/3
before I give me humble opinion on redemption, I am loving this story. It is rough to read just due to personal experience at some points but I knew going into it what to expect in a general sense. I am SO HAPPY you provided a touch of the 'live' abuse but really it has been a focal of saving herself and healing with necessary and normal flashbacks. I like that and am looking forward to moreno Ron redemption. Any human who can lay their hands on another should ON THEIR OWN TIME heal themselves but far away from this story and far away from Hermione.

He may be influenced by life changes and such but 2 years of STRAREGIZED and MANIPULATED assault is not redeemable nor is he worthy to reenter her life in ANY way.

As a victim of assault and violence he can go hang...heal so he never does it again...but go away. lol so there's my very humble opinion.

OBVIOUSLY I will read whatever you decide because this us not real life and your story is beautiful anyway you decide to write it but yea I mean you asked
the dragon and the rose chapter 8 . 6/2
Hi just found this story and think you're doing a good job of portraying Hermione's combination of anxiety, emotional scarring and her desire to find an achieve a new normal. As for the idea of a Ron redemption, I'm sorry but I can't see that being a realistic possibility. Ron clearly sees Hermione as his human punching bag and the only thing he appears to miss is having here there to be punched. Even if Ron claimed remorse, I would have a hard time believing that. Way too many women IRL have bought the "I'm sorry, I promise I won't ever do it again" and have died because they wanted to believe it. I don't see Ron being the exception here, especially since he demonstrated emotionally abusive tendencies even in canon.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/1
Reply to dmeb,

I’m extremely grateful you’ve never been in a position to see the results of the kind of abuse Ron inflicted on Hermione play out in real life.

Having been the one to comfort my partner after coming home from working one of these cases, I can tell you it happens just like that far too often.

The abusers know how to manipulate people, how to avoid detection and in most cases how to throw the blame on the victim. After all, no woman would let anyone treat her like that right, so she must be exaggerating if not straight out lying. Did that thought cross your mind, even for a second. I’ll be honest. It did mine before I became educated on the reality.

Ron isolated Hermione from her own friends. The once a month visit to the Weasleys was her only contact outside work. How confident do you think she would’ve felt asking his family for help. Sure as hell couldn't trust Molly not to turn on her like she did in her fourth year. Would she have reason to believe Harry would side with her against his best friend and future in-laws when he had never supported her against him in the past?

All eyes were not on Ron. They were on whatever they had going on in their own life at best and at worst they would’ve turned judgmental eyes on her. Abusers get away with it, because no one wants to see.

If you’re still with me, thank you for taking the time. 3
dmeb chapter 8 . 5/31
Ron: I don't really think he could have got away with the abuse quite how you depict it - I think that at the least, there would be too many eyes on him/them for things to get that severe. However, he does have a selfish. sulky, hurtful streak in canon that would fit with it. It's this that I think would mean anything anyone tried to get him to admit his wrong and get help/apologise and mean it would have to come from a big wake up call rather than talking with him or punishing him as that would just have him painting himself as victimised (if only in his hed), and any apparent change would just be on the surface. So, either something momentous happens to him and he has an epiphany about what a arsehole he has been or, more likely, he gets rejected by his family and the larger part of an outraged wizardkind, and kept away from Hermione (and anyone else he might treat that way). My choice woiuld be the latter.
Lucyole chapter 8 . 5/30
Really good chapter very interesting and exciting. Now I want to see Severus pov of the day and what he thinks and a short visit to great Britain to the Weasleys, Harry and Ron as well my thought that Ron doesn't have a redeemable bone at all he never really was sorry when he hurt Hermione's feelings in school only saying it when Harry brought him to it or when he needed her to do something for him I rather want him punished and that everyone finds out what he had done to Hermione. *carrot cake for inspiration and the great work*
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