Reviews for Blackbird
Violet97mc chapter 1 . 5/23
This is heartbreaking. For Hermione to see such destruction and chaos. Watching her friends die...heartbreaking.
Violet97mc chapter 1 . 5/23
Poor Neville;(
Brooklynhills chapter 1 . 5/22
The first chapter has me eager for the next!
Brooklynhills chapter 1 . 5/22
Please continue!
LittleBabyBambi chapter 1 . 5/19
I’m eager for the next chapter!
LittleBabyBambi chapter 1 . 5/19
Please continue!
takingflight48 chapter 1 . 5/19
I am curious to see where you go with this. This chapter wasn't too violent and you snuck levity in regards to her relief so I'm going to stay cautiously optimistic that I'll enjoy this. I am really bad at reading stories with Voldemort won AUs because of how they normally portray Hermione's fate... but I'm excited to see where you take this!

also sorry for my ramblings. lol
Constellations Writer chapter 1 . 5/19
I love it! Excited to keep reading to see what happens :D
annaea3077 chapter 1 . 5/19
Great start!