Reviews for The Mist Has Fallen
vanilla chapter 9 . 9/20
hi! REALLY REALLY love this story and am wondering when you're going to update cuz like its SO good so...
Vindictam chapter 9 . 9/17
Enjoying the conflict and team dynamics with the Avengers as well as seeing their investigation progress. I liked the perspective switch where we saw what some of Percy's classmates think of him and crew. Interested in seeing what happens with Shounak and how it affects the story.
Vindictam chapter 8 . 9/17
Enjoying the interaction between all our demigods now that they're all back together or in contact with one another again, as well as seeing one of the main plot lines move foward.
Guest chapter 9 . 9/12
Seeing as Festus can transform into a suitcase I always wondered why he couldn’t transform into the Argo II. I think it would be awesome to see the Argo II vs the S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier.

Your story is really good, PLEASE update soon
Guest chapter 9 . 9/11
Great story, I hope the writing is progressing smoothly as I can’t wait for the next update
Guest chapter 1 . 9/8
i cannot wait for the next chapter. this is probably one of the best fan fictions i have ever read. you are a fantastic writer and i love every word. keep up the great work!
Guest chapter 9 . 9/6
This was absolutly amazing and brilliant keep up the good wprk i cant wait for your next update
LeonaidasRage chapter 9 . 9/7
So far, so great.
Guest chapter 9 . 9/2
I think it would be awesome for the Percy to have to fight the hulk and loose control, using bloodbending to defeat hulk. It could play off the fact that he isn’t mentally stable at the moment.
I would also love to see Leo use his own iron man suit that is more advanced than Tony’s seeing as Tony doesn’t have celestial bronze to work with.
Guest chapter 9 . 9/2
I love this, please continue to update!
Guest chapter 9 . 8/31
YES YOU ARE BACK! This episode was so good, I kind of understand the view of Shield thinking that they are dangerous, but I still hate how their solution is just lock them up, amazing chapter!
Valecroft chapter 9 . 9/2
I remember you actually
WeylandCorp 4 chapter 9 . 9/1
I gotta day, this is a pretty damn good story. I love the great detail in which to you deceive everything. And the dialogue in on point!

My only complaints are how percy summoned a massive hurricane and broke the cage. I do recall Percy having hurricane esque powers but not to such a degree. And seeing as how the cage was built for the hulk and required a bit from Mjolnir to break it I don’t think Percy could replicate such power.

But those are two insanely small complaints. This is probably the best “shield vs demigods” story I’ve read yet. Definitely going on the follow list!
Lainee Alfonso chapter 9 . 8/30
Seriously, I am in LOVE with this story! It is such a great concept. You capture all of the characters SO well! Literally, *chef’s kiss*. The plot is immaculateeee. I am already addicted to this story, and I cannot wait for the rest to unfold. I will be waiting in anticipation, but no rush!
DovahStark chapter 9 . 9/1
Oh man the Stoll brothers causing mayhem and running from S.H.I.E.L.D. Sounds great for the next viewpoint of the different demigod groups.
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