Reviews for Edge
Guest chapter 1 . 6/22
Continue please .
Lori Rice chapter 1 . 6/8
Love this story and you're writing style!
babzfgm chapter 1 . 6/6
mean, just, like, really, wow.
mieh chapter 1 . 5/25
Ohh I love this one! Hate the ending for hurting me so much hahahha but it was all beautifully written. Love Donna's shakiness and her very complex feelings being explored and WHAT IF IT WAS ABOUT HARVEY? I'm sad.
AimeeValle1 chapter 1 . 5/24
OKay, okay, okay. I can't believe it's taken me days to get back here to write this review but the positive part of that is it I got to read this masterpiece again.

Let me just start with your overall talent while I try to catch my breath. Your writing is ... fabulous. The pace, the word choice, the sentence structure, the vivid picture you create and most importantly the way you drew me in. It's like you had had a grip on my heart and my lungs from the very first line and i had this very real sense of leaning over the EDGE of a cliff, completely vulnerable, uncertain if I was going to fall over if it, but trusting you, your story, implicitly to the point that I'd jump off that cliff if that is what the story required.

The slow build of the will they/they won't they is my absolute favorite Darvey trope. The fact that this scene allows for the addition of the "forbidden" only makes it ten times hotter and more intense. You had me right there, not just in the scene, but in Donna and Harvey's heads. I could literally FEEL their hearts racing, their cores tingling, their breath mingling, and most importantly, their hearts breaking.

HOLY SHIT! This story just took my breath away. Amazing. Just. WOW.
There are very few pieces I've read, including professional ones, that carry that kind of suspense and tension. I was just riveted the ENTIRE fic. In fact, I came across the tweet almost accidentally and the prompt caught my eye so I clicked the link without really having the intention of reading it, since I'm behind on reading so many fics as it is, but I read the first line and, despite being in the middle of something else, I couldn't stop reading until I finished it.
Rose4darvey chapter 1 . 5/24
Wow the angst was amazing. Such great writing. But we really need a chapter 2! Lol
KateScribbles chapter 1 . 5/23
This made my heart ache! Your writing is so poetic and you describe their feelings and their connection to one another so beautifully. Thank you for sharing!
soliflukcja chapter 1 . 5/22
AAAAAAAAAAA! Something I haven't known I needed. I'm in love with your writing. This one shot is perfect.
RafCL83 chapter 1 . 5/22
Is there supposed to be another chapter? That "We can't" is loaded... Is it just because he is with someone else, or the same as ever, which mean they could. I hope after that he will reevaluate his relationship with Paula... Because even if he didn't kiss Donna, he wanted to. And that for him should also mean he's cheating. And what does that mean? Him willing to be cheating on his girlfriend with Donna? I want him to realize and acknowledge, with words, that Donna's actions were driven by a broken heart, a heart HE broke, and that she not only wanted to feel loved, but feel loved by him. And doing what she was going to do was never going to fill her with love or appreciation. Only more despise at letting herself down. And still no love from Harvey.

Well think about it.
Even if I'm glad he didn't cheat by actually kissing Donna, and chose instead to leave, I want him to go back home and ponder everything, and then break up with paula, and then go to Donna's door to finish what they started.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/22
Talk about tension!, woah!
Great writing as per usual.
Jessicaa1567 chapter 1 . 5/21
Guest chapter 1 . 5/21
this was one of the best fan fictions ever i love it
LadyDarvey chapter 1 . 5/21
This was tragically beautiful. You’re brilliant. Now make up for bringing me tears by writing another!
vflsarah chapter 1 . 5/21
This... just ended me. in all the right ways.
Lifeislikethis chapter 1 . 5/21
Oh this was amazing! I loved this prompt but I couldn’t think how it would actually go, but this version is so good! It’s angsty and I hurt so much for Donna but the way it’s written is incredible. And I think we need fics that don’t always wind up at the expected happy ending sometimes.
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