Reviews for Truth within the Trilogy
Faithless wanderer chapter 6 . 10h
That was great, I'll be patient for the next chapter but I'm going crazy with anticipation
Uday Sra chapter 6 . 11h
Awesome. Please update soon
Ghost Recon111 chapter 6 . 13h
I always like these ideas. Though with this having the resurrection in it then wouldnt they have already lived it or are you going to tie this into the lead up to resurrection and go from there because that'd be fantastic write! I wish you luck with your endeavor.

V/R Ghost
Marche V chapter 6 . 13h
Not to quibble too much but Cornelia's example of EU and Guilford was a bit lacking since Guilford doesn't originally belong to a country under the EU in that case.

Looking forward to the next chapter! I bet doing a "watch the series" fanfic like this is easier with the movies compared to the episodes.
Inheritance1990 chapter 6 . 15h
Glad to see this back. I'm really enjoying it. I feel like you have balanced everyone's personalities to a point where no one feels artificial.
blackpackager chapter 6 . 18h
I wonder if your gonna do that one scene every time gets skipped in every reaction version of code Geass
The one about about lelouch limits on the roof with cc
He exains how much distance , times and how long it last in one scene ...
DarkRain4Eternity chapter 6 . 21h
thank you for this chapter
Lord Halcyon chapter 6 . 7/25
Great chapter can't wait for more.
Last Primaris chapter 6 . 7/25
where was the part where Lelouch threw up after thinking about how he killed Clovis showing how he was human?
haseosamaa chapter 6 . 7/25
Tx you
DarkRain4Eternity chapter 5 . 7/23
i hope to see this continued its very well done
Kevin J Rosario Cruz chapter 5 . 7/7
This is amazing please dont give up on this story.
Uday Sra chapter 5 . 7/1
Awesome. please update soon
Uday Sra chapter 5 . 7/1
B.E.R.Z chapter 5 . 6/30
No manches anya se enojo no crei que eso fuera posible
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