Reviews for The Pembroke Girls II: The Lost Treasure of Brownsea Island
Model Builder chapter 6 . 8/18
A fine ending to a fun story. I look forward to more stories of the Pembroke Girls in the future, though I daresay I may need to round-out my knowledge of Tudor England to fully catch all the references.

Again, very well done! Thanks for posting this.
Model Builder chapter 5 . 8/17
Well, a lot went on in this chapter, but it was easy to follow along with the characters, despite there being quite a few of them to keep track of!

I have to wonder, do ALL Pureblood, Slytherin Wizards father kids with mistresses? And what do the Witches they marry think of this . . . ?
Model Builder chapter 4 . 7/30
Sounds like things are progressing along quite nicely. But I have some nagging, lingering doubts that the bad guys in this caper are without any magical resources at their disposal, even if they haven't tipped their hand, yet. Something tells me that the good guys will need everything they got when push comes to shove . . . .
Model Builder chapter 3 . 7/15
Though the situations you have set-up are bizarre by any standard, they work well in the context of this story. And I'm curious about what a meal cooked by none other than Lady Jane Grey (in the 21st Century, no less,) would taste like . . . .
Model Builder chapter 2 . 6/12
The character interactions are wonderful, as is the dialogue. And so the heroes have now seen the phantom Great Ship? From what you described, I wish I could have seen it, myself . . . .

Thanks for posting this!
Model Builder chapter 1 . 5/29
Off to a very good start! In the interest of full disclosure, I've always admired ancient sailing ships; all the more so when combined with a good pirate or ghost story, so you had me early on!

I'm looking forward to more of what promises to be an exciting adventure!