Reviews for Chaos, Control and Love in the 74th Hunger Games
goldensnitch1 chapter 2 . 7/9
Oh I love this! You’re doing excellent. I’ve been hoping for something to go with BSS!
audreyoctopus chapter 2 . 7/3
Chills down mine own spine. Snow's whole thought process freaks me out, especially knowing what he's done over the years... it's interesting and terrifying how he views other people, not as people, but as mere obstacles, objects, tools, even.
You write him so well, and the writing style reminds me of Suzanne Collins', despite it being in the third person.
Loved it, amazing, you're awesome.
Have a great day/night :)
audreyoctopus chapter 1 . 7/3
Loved this! After reading BSS I always thought that Snow would be PISSED at Katniss for making him remember Lucy. I love your interpretation of how he might have felt.
WyldClaw chapter 1 . 6/7
That was excellent