Reviews for Family picnic
frankannestein chapter 1 . 6/7
This was such an absolutely sweet oneshot, Lionessa! The kids are adorable, and it makes me happy to see how much Cynthia and Lion-O still love each other. I know Leonydas will grow to be a wonderful king, just like his father!

~ Anne
Heart of the Demons chapter 1 . 6/6
What an incredibly cute one-shot you wrote here. The chemistry between you and Lion-O is as solid as ever.
St4r.Hunter chapter 1 . 6/5
I want to belong to this family. I could string a billion flowery words together, None of it will ever be as beautiful as this piece. The crisp lake air and the sweet scent of sap complement each breeze. The summer sun dancing on the lake surface, peaking behind the scattered clouds a occasional warm hug from the sun's rays. The melody of nature, with the laughter of that perfect family. Your perfect opening leaves heaven wanting. Cynthia and Lion-O shower their children with love and attention, just as much as they showered one another with love and understanding. I could spend the rest of my life reading this, and only this and never regret a moment. This is so Beautiful and Pure. I love how it moves me. The world need this, OMG the world needs this so much. To etch the very essence of fatherly love and compassion on each stone skipping across the surface. This art is every reason I read. I need MOAR, and I have waited to feel that again and be free to say it to the person that inspires it. Does Kano dig up Lion-O's flowers, and even tho he is upset he can't draw them when they bloom he can't help but to love that dog. Will Lion-O fortify a high school's security with the presence of the Thundercats Just so he can hold court with other officials and be them? And Cynthia I want to see her happiness unfold day after day, as their loves grows more and more until no possible means within the universe could measure it, a love that transcends Multiverses. As long as this story goes on, I believe in the future.