Reviews for Extremis
Mr.Green016 chapter 2 . 2m
I've read chapters one and two, I gotta say so far so good I'm already excited for the next chapter. Really appreciated that swerve at the end.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/22
dammm.,this is funny as hell
Natsu vi Kurosaki chapter 3 . 2h
Still doesn’t change the fact that Snape is/was a horrible person, at least James grew up Snape never did. Just claiming he’s a spy for the light is ignoring all the innocent lives he killed (directly or indirectly) through his support of Voldemort.
benenator chapter 4 . 20h
... Weasley Twins pranking using the Cerberus cannot possibly turn out anything but either hilariously or sadly.

I'm imaging Snape covered in Cerberus drool, after having been "cleaned off" from having a bunch of jam dumped on him.
OoOXylionOoO chapter 4 . 7/23
Great chapter, keep up the nice work.
The Alpha 100 chapter 4 . 7/23
first things first this is make believe you're getting no money from this just writing experience soo TEAR THIS MF APART! gimme multi pairings! give me bad#ss power levels (thou its cool if you don't) lol it's an awesome story I liked the bit with Greg and Vince
looking forward to see what you come up with

seriously thou what kinda 20 that goes back in time wouldn't use this marvellous opportunity to have fun while they again (multi pairing) especially since witches and wizards are supposed to live for a looong ass time
dont disappoint us in this pleeeeease
darkimortal chapter 4 . 7/22
... You had a good story going there, but then you made the MC an idiot obsessed with the future. That just destroyed this story for me. Also what's this BS let's study magick but let's forget our body? I can understand not wanting to do the quiditch training, but he's completely ignoring his body which his magic resides or gets funneled through. ( I don't know what your magic is like in this story ) also what's going on for potion class? Last chapter it was Ravenclaw and Slytherin now it's Griffindor and Ravenclaw.
TehStorm chapter 4 . 7/22
Your writing is excellent but please don't make the MC follow or force the canon plot to happen.

Canon is already screwed,Draco is a good guy and a ravenclaw.

Harry is a she,a ravenclaw and is not friends with ron and hermione.

Hermione is even more isolated.

Ron is shaping up to be the bane of dorea instead of Draco.

Yeah man canon is dead, he should have realized that the moment he awoke in Dracos's body and after seeing that harry is Dorea.
Tony McNucklz chapter 4 . 7/22
this feels like it's stepping into common tropey categories. the books were written for children. that is why the adults seem incompetent. why the trials seem so basic a firstie can beat them. because the plot demanded the children beat the obstacles. with real people, and no certainty that it would be potter to go after the stone. or any way to make certain that potter would meet voldemort, i never believed Dumbledore would be that stupid. or the other professor's would be so incompetent. to up the ante to adupt level protections a few simple adjustments suffice: 1- fluffy is on a chain, and can't get within 10 ft of the door. his job is to scare people first and deter anyone from actually trying to hlget down the hole. and since nobody but hermione would notice a small human door on the floor when a 3 story tall Cerberus was snarling at them, fluffy also distracts and students from noticing the door and wanting to risk seeing what's under the door. 2) the devil's snare is charmed to release an individual when they stop struggling, and drop the unconscious person before they actually suffocate. perhaps the plant clhas thorns and has been spritzed with a sleeping potion that enters victims when they get scratched. when an invader or student is dropped, an alarm is triggered notifying someone (probably Dumbledore) that someone has been caught in the plant room. 3) the keys serve as a delaying obstacle. the professors don't leave a broom down there, which means anyone that wants to get passed flitwicks key room needs to have brought a broom with them, or be forced to leave and come back with one. presumably the doors and walls are quite liberally enchanted to prevent just blasting through. 4) the chess game is actually a combination lock. play the game in a specific sequence to open the door. each move unlocks a layer of enchantment preventing the door opening. it takes master level warding skills to comprehend the wards and determine which moves unlock the layers in correct order. if the sequence isn't correct, the time the invader is playing is just more time for the professors to come and catch them. 5) if we assume trolls are actually dangerous when characters don't have the protection of plot armor, that they are magically resistant, and are in a confined area, then anyone that actually makes to the trolls has moments before they are attacked in close quarters by 2 magically resistant beings intent on murder. no way any student knows how to determine the chess combination, so anyone at this stage is a malicious invader. no risk of student casualties. 6)the potion puzzle is actually pretty good on it's own one potential twist: the 'correct' bottle per the riddle is actually the Draught of Living Death, and the real bottle is just the first on the table. dumbledore and snape know, but anyone reading the riddle is misdirected to gift wrapping their unconscious selves for Dumbledore to find snoozing on the floor. and then the mirror is the final clever stopgqp ensuring someone that will use the stone can't get it, and smashing or altering the mirror risks destroying the stone.
Bam. full set of defenses designed to actually stop students, catch rookies early, and even leave Voldemort himself gift wrapped for catching without truly putting the stone at risk. canon only worked because the enchantments and wards had to be reset after the entrant leaves. for the golden trio, the didn't get scratched and stopped moving before the vines made them unconscious, one broom was already waiting from quirrel bringing his. the chess game just had to be won because the enchantments hadn't been reengaged, the trolls were already unconscious, and either the potion were accurate to the riddle, or hermione messed up on the reasoning and accidentally picked the correct choices. Bang the kids didn't actually beat the real defenses, just the ones already disengaged by voldemort.
i prefer stories where the author doesn't make the adults either universally negligent or outright incompetent. makes for more interesting stories than the tropey cliches of evil dumbledore and the Greater Good with all his psychoticly beyond-reasonly loyal soldiers.
FailedKeikaku chapter 4 . 7/22
If you try and force the plot of the books in different ways then i will not be amused, i have high hopes for your excellent writing but trying to fit it in with the framework of the books often leads to charcter stupidity just to keep things on track. You are better than that.
Ivanoich1993 chapter 4 . 7/22
Great chapter, hope you xontinue this story regularly.
Inbetweentheraindrops chapter 4 . 7/22
Well now I don't know what to review, we spent four days editing this monster and dicussed everything I would have reviewed with.

I don't know why but I was expecting something cheeky about banned words in one of your A/Ns. If roles were reversed I know I would have, haha.

I normally have a lot to say but damn I'm out of words right now. Next review I will have something to say I'm pretty sure... possibly. I will try, can't promise anything besides that I will review.
M2R chapter 4 . 7/22
good, though i kind of feel off with the flying lesson, it is just a copy and paste of the original with some change. i get it that dorea needs to show her skill but can it be done with something else? i hope future chapters don't have much like that
Gageel Redfox1 chapter 4 . 7/22
Yay new chapter
Ryaan.G chapter 1 . 7/20
i dont like how you've put him in ravenclaw. no way hes ravenclaw. hermione is ravenclaw. this guy is manioulative hes a slytherin
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