Reviews for The Decoupling Alternative
Harakan chapter 38 . 4h
Great story i really like how you describe Penny to the bone accurately and i think this would be their life after show with a kid one way or another Leonard's screw at least on his intimate life with Penny great work.
SRAM chapter 38 . 10/1
That beginning of the chapter is so true, Leonard and Penny being stressed and tired by taking care of a new baby is something many millions of people go through each day, so they are not alone. Though I do feel sorry for Penny being left alone all day taking care of the baby, while Leonard gets to escape to work, so him making an extra effort to take care of the baby is expected. It doesn’t surprise me that Penny would even resort to being sneaky to try and get a break from it all, and some rest. However, it is nice to read that things have gotten a lot better for them after about four months and things are going back to normal. Actually after those first few months William seems to have turned into an ideal baby, it probably has a lot to do with all the love and attention he is getting but still it looks like William is a little angel and that is making it even easier for things getting back to normal at the Hofstadter house. Penny going back to work, to a job she loves, getting to take William with her, means things are going great for them all and I can see where it is about time to end this story.
bamadude chapter 38 . 10/1
Well William is a smart handsome happy-go-lucky dude. Love how Penny put the kibosh on the themed parties. Great chapter!
Warriorcreed chapter 37 . 9/26
Leonard is going to have scars from every baby Penny has, he will be saying things like “ the black eye was from William”, “the broken hand was from...etc.” as soon as Penny forgets about the pain of childbirth and gives into her carnal desires to have her way with Leonard. It would be funny if Leonard held off on the sex until Penny begged for it, telling her he was just honoring her wishes to not be touched again. Things seem to be going great in the Hofstadter house right now and I’m curious if it will continue that way now that Penny’s mother is gone and the both of them have to do it alone. I’m also still hoping that we get to read later of a pissed off pregnant Bernadette blaming it all on Penny.
Richard76310 chapter 37 . 9/26
How are you going to handle when Penny tells Leonard she wants to have sex with him. He will wait on her as long as he needs to. Everyone knows that.
SRAM chapter 37 . 9/24
Actually I’m feeling for Penny some in this chapter because like she said to Susan “I get it mom...I’m a mother now.”, her life has really changed. It sounds like the first couple months went fine but I wonder what will happen when Penny is left alone with William, while Leonard is at work, and how will she feel about leaving William if she goes back to work. Then the big question, will Penny let Leonard touch her again or is William going to be an only child.
bamadude chapter 37 . 9/23
Hopefully while visiting, Susan gave some cooking lessons to Penny. The family's enjoying time together as William has given his mom his first smile. He's definitely going to be a Momma's boy. Great chapter!
Warriorcreed chapter 36 . 9/19
Leonard should have realized there was a danger zone around Penny while she was in labor from her sporadic anger outbursts during her pregnancy. However, maybe he just didn’t care, he is still very happy with his wife and child after it was all over, so I think he just took one for the team. Hopefully things will go smoothly now that Penny has delivered, though there still could be some challenges for Leonard if Penny goes through postpartum depression after they get home. That little bit about Bernadette getting pregnant is a real teaser, it would probably be pretty funny if she suddenly ended up that way, well it would be funny to everyone but Howard, who would be forced to deal with her.
Harakan chapter 36 . 9/18
Well it was funny and painful for Leonard but thats our Penny against her even Leatherface looks like peacemaker when she is pissed :)
SRAM chapter 36 . 9/18
Leonard only got punched, I expected that the hand he let Penny hold to be in a cast after she broke his fingers during her delivery, so he actually made out okay. You so have to have Bernadette suddenly get pregnant so she can get mad at Penny and Leonard for causing her to get that way. I expect that Leonard is on a huge emotional high right now, he is married to the girl of his dreams, she just gave him the family he always dreamed of, and she still loves him, he probably can’t see how his life could get any more great than it is right now. Penny seems really happy too and her motherly instincts are starting to show themselves now in her actions, with their baby now born. It will be interesting to read how they cope with the first couple months of being parents as the adjust to this new stage in their lives.
Richard76310 chapter 36 . 9/18
She hit him after removing his glasses. The never having sex again. You’ll never touch me again. I hate you you did this to me. All those I’ve heard but hitting him and causing a black eye. Now that’s new.
bamadude chapter 36 . 9/18
The arrival of William. Penny and Leonard are over the moon with happiness. Howard needs to be be watchful around Bernadette, she seems to be worse than Penny if she gets pregnant. Great Chapter!
Harakan chapter 35 . 9/12
Really cute and funny chapter when Penny's hormones are kicking to the sky but most LOL is when she is thinking that he is fooling around with other woman and her warning o boy she is a real deal so Len watch out for that baseball bat :)
Warriorcreed chapter 35 . 9/12
As I said in my comment to the previous chapter, I thought Penny would get worse as she got closer to delivery. She has shown before that anger is the one emotion she has trouble suppressing so it doesn’t surprise me that her emotions come out in this way to Leonard. He must know this too because he has been nothing but a sweetheart to her, doing everything he can to take care of her, and it at least has dulled her anger as she deep down inside knows he loves her. I do think it is funny though how insecure she is right now, over her looks, it might help Leonard to calm her mind if he did something to remind her that he thinks she is still beautiful and very desirable to him, even pregnant.
SRAM chapter 35 . 9/11
I can so see Penny hormonal and moody, then becoming obsessed about her looks because she is pregnant and getting bigger with each day. A girl that has been dependent on her looks all her life, and probably does have some lingering thoughts that Leonard married her primarily for her looks, would be very insecure like Penny is right now. However, she probably doesn’t realize how much Leonard probably adores her right now, she and the baby inside her being his whole family. I expect he even loves her more for having his child and starting a family with him.
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