Reviews for Saints Row: The Third (rewrite)
SeraphimicDestiny chapter 15 . 3h
Nice job on this. I like how Vince compared doing stuff for Z to the stuff he'd done against the other gangs. It really build his character.

I like the reference to the Boss asking what Zimos's real name is. I've always wondered what it is. And I liked how Andre was mentioned. Makes sense to take out more competition.

I really liked the bit with Viola and Kiki. I'm liking the character building for Kiki. I like seeing how they're handling having the Syndicate taken from them. It sucks worse for them in your story, since Loren just let Killbane take over instead of them.
SeraphimicDestiny chapter 14 . 8/1
I like how Shaundi called Vince by that name. I like the chemistry developing here, and I look forward to seeing where you take things.

Kinzie's missions were always so fun. Her interactions with the Boss were highly entertaining. I like how you did Guardian Angel/Heli Assault, and I like how you described Kinzie's little game.

Next we get to see Vince deal with Zimos's shit. Should be fun.
SeraphimicDestiny chapter 13 . 7/27
I love these little in between chapters. Gives the gang a little break.

Touching up on how Shaundi behaved was a nice idea. I really feel like she was trying to emulate Johnny's behavior in SR3, like wanting to handle the situations how Johnny probably would. I think it was largely due to the survivors guilt she was suffering from after Johnny's 'death'.

Vince is a nice name. I like how you're bringing in his feelings for Shaundi more. And it seems she may feel the same way.
SeraphimicDestiny chapter 12 . 7/16
An epic conclusion to this three parter. The overall dialog, fighting, and everything was amazing, and it all tied together nicely. The added characterization to the Syndicate groups is a welcome change to the usual SR3 story formats. And I liked having more stuff relating to the twins, with their compassion towards Matt, and Johnny, and how they felt about basically loosing the Syndicate to Killbane.
SeraphimicDestiny chapter 11 . 7/16
You captured the essence of Safeword very well. Made me just as uneasy as being there in the game did. That place was just so sick, especially the pony barn. I'm still eager to get to this part in my own story.

I love that you're expanding on the characters more. It really adds to the story.
SeraphimicDestiny chapter 10 . 7/16
Gonna make separate reviews for each chapter.

First, gotta say, I really liked this one. I liked how the crew was not in agreement on leaving. Old habits are hard to break, after all.

That bit about Birk got chuckles out of me. And the Boss' comment was gold. 'Sometimes you never know what's in front of you.' Hint hint.

I loved all the callbacks to the Boss' past in this. It really sets the tone for who he is. And I wonder if his history with Monica Hughes will play in at all anymore.

Finally, good on bringing Loren back in. Can't wait to see how the crew deal with his still being alive.
SeraphimicDestiny chapter 9 . 7/11
Loved loved loved this chapter! This mission was always very exciting to me, especially the metal ball part. It really could have used an 80s action hero joke XD. I loved reading your take on it, and the changes that fit your story. I wonder what you have in store for the DeWynter twins. I'm also curious to see what happens with Frenchy still being alive, and how you write in the Saints staying in Steelport.
SeraphimicDestiny chapter 8 . 7/7
I'm really looking forward to see where all this goes. I like the extra tidbits of talk between the crew members. Makes it feel real, you know? I also like you adding more to the sections of the Syndicate, and adding some of the assassination people into this. It'll make it a bit more interesting.
Badger12 chapter 7 . 7/5
Johnny with anyone but Aisha always seems weird to me. I’ve always looked at shaundi and Johnny As the brother sister relationship. I am glad you had the boss bring up Lin and Carlos that would of helped in the 3rd game. The boss saying he feels something for shaundi Is great cause by the character quotes it’s hinted of that a lot
Quillon42 chapter 1 . 7/5
I've played this level tens of times so I have the script almost down by heart; very good recreation of the same here and I look forward to reading more of this in the near future.
SeraphimicDestiny chapter 7 . 7/5
I'm really starting to like this so far. SR 3 was one of my favorite games outside of the first and second. I like the way the characters interact with each other in this, and I like your little unique spin on the game's story. I really liked that bit about Lin and Carlos. I fully head-canon that their deaths affected the Boss quite a bit, since the Boss wasn't able to save them.

Honestly, Shaundi's feelings for Johnny always seemed on the border of close friend and feelings, so her possibly having feeling or having had feelings for him is plausible.

I also feel the Boss could have feelings for Shaundi, and both Male Voice 2 and Female Voice 1 hint at this quite a bit in out-of-cutscene dialog. Laura Bailey's Female Voice 1 dialog are some references and inspirations for my own Boss character. I also thought the romances for Shaundi and Johnny were very sweet. Not only were they the only ones with real feeling confessions from the Boss, but they also suggest the Johnny and Shaundi had similar feelings for the Boss.

Side note, Professor Genki's SERC was always my favorite things to do in SR 3, and I'd be down to reading about your Boss character doing that, if you wrote a bit about that.

I look forward to seeing your next chapters, and what you do with Johnny still being alive.