Reviews for Hourglass
SR chapter 2 . 7/20
AHHHH I’m so excited that you’re making this sequel! I’ve been waiting for so long and you have no idea how happy I was when I was checking your profile and notice this fanfic!
ilovexmas chapter 2 . 7/8
Another great chapter, but why do i have a feeling that CLARISSE is going to be livid at her granddaughter for putting her life into risk by such an important operation?

I can hardly wait to read chapter 3, and i know for sure that CLARISSE and MIA will clash and have a great argument, although something tells me that in the end they'll make up? (they're both stubborn lol).

Fantastic story and i'll wait eagerly for your next story!
ilovexmas chapter 1 . 7/8
Wow! That was a great story InvisiblePrincess2002!

I have always loved the dynamic between JULIE ANDREWS and ANNE HATHAWAY in the movie 'The princess diaries'! (part 1 & 2).

It was bittersweet how they clashed in the first part when MIA was still a school girl, and how she did everything so that her grandmother would warm up to her!

I also like JOSEPH for sticking up for MIA (he also did it in the movie) and you can see how much influence he has over JULIE ANDREWS (CLARISSE) and what a good match he is for her!

I know CLARISSE loves MIA deeply, and i know i shouldn't compare them, but i cannot help thinking about the relationship between BLAIR and MRS G from FOL had (JULIE ANDREWS and ANNE HATHAWAY kind of remind me of them) so i hope things will work out between them!

I am going to read your chapter 2 now...

Congratulations for being such a great writer and for putting so much effort into your stories!
zuka4one chapter 2 . 7/8
gostephtaylor chapter 1 . 6/22
Thank you for this story, it showed great insight into Mia and Clarisse thoughts and feelings about their situation as royals. I do hope to read more. I believe Clarisse if given the chance will make it up to Mia. And as always Joseph is by Clarisse side helping her
laviniafiel chapter 1 . 6/21
Joseph is incredibly amazing, well done!
Ashlee O chapter 1 . 6/17
Wow! That was a great first chapter. Can't wait for the next chapter!
zuka4one chapter 1 . 6/17
adama-roslinlove chapter 1 . 6/17
That was excellent! I was thoroughly impressed by Joseph telling her off. Looking forward to the next chapter.