Reviews for The scars in the Bone
554Laura chapter 4 . 7/11
Brennan is tough, but this situation may present a real challenge, right?

I hope everything works out for your family!
Karen Battaglia chapter 4 . 7/10
I hope it doesn't take to long for the next chapter. I really would like to find out how you are going to end this story. I have been reading it and I really have enjoyed your story. I would really like to read the end.
sassybee chapter 3 . 7/9
So sorry you’re not well, hope you’re doing better.
Love more of this when you’re better,
gatewatcher chapter 3 . 7/7
Prayers for healing... your health is more important. Take care.
pasha54 chapter 3 . 7/4
Wishing you a speedy and complete healing.
MstgSzy chapter 3 . 7/4
Take care of yourself. Hope you feel better soon.
gatewatcher chapter 2 . 6/22
Wow... I can felel Booth's heavy heart and the pit in Bones' stomach as she tries to hold it together. Nice job with the angst. Looking forward to Ch 3!
Karen Battaglia chapter 2 . 6/21
He has lost everything. One thing he has always done is make sudden decisions without considering anyone else even himself. That is why I sometimes would get mad at him. He needs to mature a lot or at least consider others feelings. I was
EowynGoldberry chapter 1 . 6/21
I think Brennan deserves a happy ending.
554Laura chapter 2 . 6/21
Yep, Booth's going to need to figure out what he wants to do next. This is an interesting story. I'm looking forward to reading more.
MstgSzy chapter 2 . 6/21
The squints really stepped up to protect Brennan...I like that. Also, I really like how Booth's long-time friend, really set him straight. This said that perfectly...'She hasn't spoken to him that way ever.' Also interesting, how after the team from the Jeffersonian and Sweets departed, Booth is left feeling alone in the midst of a crowded bar. I appreciate the contrast.
topaz270 chapter 1 . 6/21
I think this is a good premise for a story. It does seem as if you are rushing through it. You have a lot of opportunities to expand different scenes. Good start, keep going.
sassybee chapter 2 . 6/21
So loving this! Can’t wait for next chapter!
Red Writer chapter 1 . 6/20
We would hope Bones gets a HEA - preferring it was with Booth but it is up to you and your muse!
pasha54 chapter 1 . 6/19
My vote is for making the ending happy. I'm not above begging.
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