Reviews for Long Past Dawn
Nerdygeekalex chapter 3 . 7/16
so it's the magic basement from Amazing Stories after all.
Nerdygeekalex chapter 1 . 7/15
interesting. I like the air of mystery. are you doing a Lake House or some version of the magic cellar from amazing stories?
Shian1998 chapter 3 . 7/14
Another great chapter! So I was right about the answer being time travel, though I'm still confused as to how it's happening. Enjoyed Max's meeting and interactions with El and Mike, and glad they seem to at least be open to believing her. Feels strange to me how separated all these kids are in this fic; as in most ST stories I've read they're still in the same friend group, whereas here Dustin and Lucas are from different cities and El and Mike are from another time period, with only Max meeting each of them. Felt bad for Max's terror and loneliness when she realised how far away she was from everything she knew, and liked that she managed to get back.

Great chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
noDownSide chapter 3 . 7/14
Your story has a gentle pace and I think they way El and Mike talk to Max and tell their stories has a great feel for 1863. This is one of the most original stories I've read in ST in a long while and I'm very much looking forward to where you take it . . . Does Max meet 1987 Mike and El? Do 1863 Mike and El come forward in time with Max?
phieillydinyia chapter 3 . 7/14
Okay so the cellar is basically the portal between the two time worlds and I assume Max is now gonna be living a Coraline-y double life for a while. Interesting xD I'm excited to see what happens next
noDownSide chapter 2 . 7/5
Equally cool and I'm loving this AU . . . "My word..." is a CLUE!
phieillydinyia chapter 2 . 7/5
Poor Dustin :(
Yay, Lumax are friends!
I wonder who the girl is... And I wonder if Max's family are gonna eventually move, or if they're gonna stick it out in that house, which is most definitely haunted xD
Shian1998 chapter 2 . 7/4
Another good chapter! Liked that she at least had a good start to her new school, and enjoyed the beginning of her friendship with Lucas. Hope to see more of the two of them. Liked how Lucas knew what Max was talking about and confirmed other people had seen things at her house.

So that's how Dustin died. Poor Max, that must feel horrible. I've got no idea how I'd cope if I'd been in her situation and felt responsible for a friend's death like that. Hope that the situation with Billy gets better; that he either gets humanised and redeemed like season 3 or that he gets stopped. Also hope Neil's abuse is stopped as well.

Very confused about what's going on and who that girl is. Given how last chapter the 'visions' make the house look newer and the girl seemed to be wearing an old-fashioned dress, I'm sort of leaning towards something involving time-warping or time-travel. Looking forward to finding out what's going on. :)

Good chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
Shian1998 chapter 1 . 6/26
Interesting start! Great to see you writing here again. :) Looking forward to seeing how the rest of this story goes. Poor Max. Feel bad for her with the loss and guilt she's feeling over Dustin. Curious to know what happened with them. Also curious to know what's going on with those visions she's seeing around the house. Can you tell what book you read that inspired this story, or could that spoil the fic?

Good start! Looking forward to the next update!
song-wei chapter 1 . 6/24
This is a different idea and I'm glad you've started it. I'm looking forward to the next installment.
noDownSide chapter 1 . 6/24
Cool idea! Looking forward to where you take it. ;}
phieillydinyia chapter 1 . 6/24
So I'm one chapter in and you've already killed Dustin? xD damn...
Loved it! I'm excited to find out about the things that definitely need more explaining. I'm already convinced Max is not just imagining it. Who was that woman?