Reviews for Rhonda V: Home, Away, And Everywhere Else
The hotdog man chapter 1 . 7/8
I just got caught up on your Rhonda series, and i have to say it was so absolutely refreshing to read. You have no idea how starved i was for fiction, commercial or otherwise, where our couple isn't just sniping at each other continuously, or that one of them is some sort of dead beat. No, instead we get two people coming together, thinking things through together, and sorting out their problems together! I love it. I loved every minute of it.

Your rendering of the characters is so realistic and faithful that it's actually coloring my perception of the show (i'm only just watching it and i'm maybe half way through season 4), and making me wish that this was made canon.

Looking at the list of available fiction for Hey Arnold, i was mildly stunned at how depleted it seemed. I figured it'd be a bit bigger than it seems here. But it's criminal that more people aren't reading / reviewing your series. It's eminently well written, it's taught me a few new words, and the effort and talent you put into it shows and should be more widely acknowledged.

I eagerly await more installments!
Zip chapter 1 . 6/27
Hello again! I've been keeping an eye on your stories, and I have to say, the plot between Arnold and Rhonda is just amazing! And seeing that this is the last of the series, I can't help but wonder how Rhonda and Arnold's closeness will affect the story! And seeing as how this involves Arnold's parents, this is going to be quite the ride! I anticipate the adventure!
Geraldine Pataky chapter 1 . 6/27
en qué cabeza loca puede existir Arnold con rhonda, jamás Arnold se fijaria en una chica tan poca cosa cómo ella, qué lo único qué sabe hacer es presumir el dinero de. sus padres. Craig Bartlet no ha dado jamás a entender nada en la serie original. A Arnold le gustan chicas listas cómo lila y Helga, no presumidas, mala amigas, por algo se desenamora de ruth. Además informó el Arnold y Helga es oficial y ya. desde. antes se ve qué Arnold y Helga si, son destino.
Kryten chapter 1 . 6/26
Looking forward to seeing how your version of TJM plays out.
The J.A.M. a.k.a. Numbuh i chapter 1 . 6/25
Good opening! I'll be reading this story.
Orange Ratchet chapter 1 . 6/25
Whoo-hoo! Nice to see that the saga is about to come to a close! It's been a wild ride from beginning to end, but with the first chapter of the final story out, you bet I'm going to be checking this out, being the fellow Arnda fan I am!

Anyway, it's good to see Arnold's feelings in this chapter, from being happy to getting all mopey with the subject of his parents being brought up. Not only that, but Rhonda's determination to try to get his parents back... I'm actually sort of hoping she actually succeeds, but fingers crossed.

Great chapter, and I hope to see more in the future! Keep up the great work!