Reviews for Incomparable Intentions
SEASBLU chapter 21 . 10h
“I could slap you back to Long Island”

That’s something my mom would say and do without hesitation
all about hope chapter 21 . 13h
Now what? The words of my life. Especially now, since someone tested positive at my school. Even with the case, I still have to go back to school because they can’t shut down the whole school because we can’t all do virtual because I live in a rural area where there’s a lot of people without wifi which we need.
ahhhhh life is fricking complicated
sorry for the rant. have a good day
AyeraeW chapter 21 . 15h
also I'm still rooting for RosieXLeo
AyeraeW chapter 21 . 15h
girl me neither. it tore me to bits. wonderful chapter and I'm ready to see how rosie reacts to "dead" Leo
LovelyAstorxia chapter 21 . 16h
SHE’S ALIVE! I was so relieved when I read that. But there’s this thing about this chapter that is slightly unnerving. Nike was saying something about how victory doesn’t come without sacrifice- and that was directed at Leo. If this is going where I think this is going to go (like in Canon BoO) I’m probably going to cry. I believe we only have 4? 5? Chapters left, if you said there was only going to be 10 chapters left during chapter 15. Well, at-least it was nice while it lasted. (That’s an understatement! It was wonderful) I hope that we get a fairly “happy” ending.
radoddish chapter 21 . 16h
i need some more trash talking at zeus’ face
frythnttcs chapter 20 . 8/4
Been following Rosie's story since the beginning. Thanks for your sharing it. Please make us cry either sad or happy tears!
LovelyAstorxia chapter 20 . 8/3
Guess who just got an account? This girl! Anyways- still trying to figure this platform out- and I’ve missed quite a lot since being grounded. Hopefully this goes out as I wish it will, but if it doesn’t then so be it. If she does die, may she rest in peace. She’ll make it to Elysium. Thank you so much for updating and continuing this story- because it makes me feel a whole lot better about being cooped up inside the house.
AyeraeW chapter 20 . 8/3
ok what kinda of Veronica Roth crap is this ?. I should have seen it coming
Guest chapter 20 . 8/3
oh my fucking gods, this cliffhanger was worse than the last. (NOT THE WRITING- YOU’RE WRITING IS AMAZING!) I’m feeling the same emotions that I felt (SPOILER WARNING IF YOU HAVEN’T FINISHED MoA) when Annabeth and Percy fell into Tartarus. It hurts to read yet it was expected. I theorized this might have happened but I can’t help but feel sad. I’m so shook right now I’m crying, I’ve only cried three times while reading, that’s how moving your writing is. It’s heartbreaking but also makes you anticipate- what’s going to happen next?

Extremely heart-wrenching chapter yet I’m happy you updated, feeling quite bittersweet right now but hopefully next chapter won’t be so depressing. Now I should probably go get some tissues so I don’t mess up my shirt even more with tears.
GoddessSupernatural chapter 20 . 8/3
I never review on this story but I follow you and I think I favorited the story...
OML why did you leave with this stupid cliffhanger... also the fact that I'll be gone for 8 days does not help. I'll miss everything!
I really want to see Rosie meet her father again and I want to see your ToA recreation... hope all is well!
radoddish chapter 20 . 8/3
rosie fuckin dead
Guest chapter 19 . 8/3
That last review was mine—all about hope
I need to stop forgetting to put in my name.
Guest chapter 20 . 8/3
Noooo Rosie why you gonna die on me bro sheesh so inconsiderate of you
Poor Percy.
I’ve abandoned decent grammar. I’m sure you noticed.
SwedishMerlinFan chapter 20 . 8/3
If you kill Rosie I’ll- I’ll... cry and suffer and cry some more and then continue reading this amazing story.
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