Reviews for The Gap: You can't Trust the Ones Like Him
Sapperjoe85 chapter 5 . 8/1
I really enjoy this story. Can't wait to see more.
z chapter 5 . 7/31
si aveces no tenemos un buen coienso creo que cuando mi amigo y yo nos conocimos fue cordial luego dije algo tonto estaba de malas y bueno casi peleamos no eramos amigos entoncees luego dde alguna estraña manera después de un tiempo de hacernos conosidos teminamos en una misma clase y o sorpresa anbos nos gustaba los libros y entonces hasta hoy nos emos llevado muy bien es curioso hasta bromeamos con emogis jajaja aveces como dice el dicho no tienes un lindo comienso o entremdio pero eso no significa que no pueda mejorar e incluso unir a dos personas en unaamistad
nephertiri chapter 5 . 8/1
This is an excellently written piece of fiction! I especially enjoy your take on the Zootopia universe; a biased, controlling, yet non-segregated world. It’s really cool, and besides your superb writing and plot, I like your character building, to include side characters! This is wonderful, really, and I can’t wait to read the next chapter! _
Guest chapter 5 . 7/30
Judy is afraid, but the fact she is still with little Nick is a sign of bravery. A brave person is not one who fears nothing, but one who is willing to face what they fear.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/30
Such development.
J Shute chapter 5 . 7/31
Interesting choice for zebras as the former royals.

And yup, rebelling bunnies. Let the eat carrot cake!
supersegways117 chapter 5 . 7/30
Boring? Not even close. You're doing great on characterization and dialogue and its fun to see how they're trying to communicate.
Wolfx1120 chapter 5 . 7/30
Oh this was to good... Keep it up :3
thereceiv3r chapter 4 . 7/24
Wow that contrast on the conversations between Judy and her parents and Nick and his mother! Nick's mother is certainly very understanding of other mammals. I know this is Nick and Judy's story but I would love to read some parts from Mrs Wilde perspective and get to know more about her history.

Nick doesn't seem to be as emotionally drained as he was in the city, now that he's distracted by "that bunny". I cannot wait for next chapter. The title name has captured my attention.
Random65 chapter 1 . 7/25
Wildebunny the Eternal chapter 4 . 7/23
[Typically, these counties either have majority-predator populations, or have predator populations so small that no legislation is ever even brought up, as was the case with Bunnyburrow.]

So... why would a predator-majority country bother with TAME collars? Better yet, everyone should move there ASAP.
J Shute chapter 4 . 7/23
Well, there are some advantages to being out here...

Though the crazy other bunnies may not be one of them.

Good chapter.
supersegways117 chapter 4 . 7/22
I am so curious to see how Nick wins Judy over! Good work on the chapter :3
Guest chapter 3 . 7/17
Judy was more interested in becoming a cop then dating.
J Shute chapter 3 . 7/17
I like this Judy a little less now, but you have Nick teasing her which is fun! Great job!
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