Reviews for NALU WEEK 2020
BeachBumBabe chapter 8 . 7/15
I love love loved their escapades on earth! I could definitely eat up another chapter or two of that lol. Ive sincerely enjoyed all your chapters for NaLu week! Thank you so much for all your hard work and wonderful stories! :)
BeachBumBabe chapter 7 . 7/15
This was so adorable! I love the idea of thrm taking pictures even while they're arguing and still being happy together lol thanks for this!
BeachBumBabe chapter 6 . 7/15
ugh, I loved Natsu as a leprechaun. So adorable! I would so read a story based like that :)
BeachBumBabe chapter 5 . 7/15
This was really cute :)
Pinky Ziel chapter 8 . 7/13
With every story I read, I'm falling in love with you and your works! You are such an amazing writer! Hope to read more from you!
Bugseey chapter 7 . 7/10
They really are perfect even when fighting hahaha even the photographer knows!
Bugseey chapter 6 . 7/10
Oh myyy leprechaun Natsu trying to beat human Gray... soooo adorable. It's a nice story in a totally new setting (for me). Can't imagine how Natsu'd feeling when he had the fairy dust the one thing that he had always wanted and right there in front of him is what he needed. Great story!
Bugseey chapter 4 . 7/9
That's one very cute way to meetI didn't know how Natsu kept his cool when he also had a bad day.
FlameDragonHime chapter 8 . 7/9
Wait I really like this au wahhh
samuel.bryant17 chapter 8 . 7/9
This seriously needs to be continued; at some point in the future. It's just too good to leave it as is. When I read the description all I could think of, for comparison, was the OVA, or was it an actual episode of the anime, where Erza donned a costume and called herself, "Fairy Woman". But seriously, Shana, this is too good to leave it as is. You should seriously consider continuing with this some time in the future; we need to know if Natsu, Lucy, and Happy ever meet up with Erza and Gray, and if they ever make it back to Earthland. But NO PRESSURE. Just PLEASE think about it, okay?
Bugseey chapter 3 . 7/9
I really hope Lucy remembers! This chapter should be in honor of Natsu's self-control.
Bugseey chapter 2 . 7/9
Hahahahaha that's sooo them given the situationNatsu would definitely be oblivious and blunt at the same time. I liked it. Thank you!
stranger1999 chapter 8 . 7/8
As always you outdid yourself with this one!
I loved how Lucy became a super hero and i loved how her and Natsu and Happy reunited at last. Happy chastising Natsu for not learning the communication habits of Earth people was gold. Especially when he used to term 'OOC'. XD
And the tension at the end between them. God you wrote it so well!
(Also why am i laughing at Happys super hero name)
Lovetoreadff chapter 8 . 7/8
Celestial Girl and Dragon Boy to the rescue!
Ok, I feel like this has a bit of an incredibles vibe to it? Maybe it’s just me and I have been watching too many Disney movies lately. I like the concept of transporting into another world but being able to keep their powers. How does one react, what would one do? I liked that Lucy was the one to take on the mantle and become a “superhero”. Her sense of justice and helping out the “little guy” is very strong and she could really blossom when she doesn’t have to live up to anyone and just rely on herself. She is a fighter and she doesn’t give up. Loved their little reunion and of course the possibilities this world creates. Thank you for sharing all of your hard work this week. It’s been amazing to be able to read so many new NaLu stories!
BrokenAngelwngs2 chapter 5 . 7/8
Gahhhh! So friggin adorable! I laughed so loudly at the “boopingthat I startled my cat! Thanks so much for writing this!
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