Reviews for Shatter
Candylou chapter 10 . 7/27
I a m getting a bad feeling a bit out person. Hope Bess will be okay. Update when you can.
angelicalkiss chapter 10 . 10h
person is a creep. plain and simple. at least Bess knows it. too bad he doesnt. good thing Joe is keeping an eye on her. as for nancy. too bad her notes were burned up. id be pissed too! gives her more incentive to move on and fight
MargaretA66 chapter 10 . 7/27
Wow. Person seems like a real slimeball. Lucky for Nancy that the fire was small when discovered.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/25
Always so excited when I see an update to your stories! They're great!

hmmm, so Bess corrects them about being boring, but not broken ;)

Happy to see Frank & Nancy reconciling and the positive turn in their relationship. I guess every relationship has its bumps and I'm happy to see they overcame this one.

I also liked that you touched upon the issue of people needing to put on a facade and pretend everything is great and go through struggles alone. It's something I've been thinking about in a slightly different way recently.

those spelling errors...a clue?
Candylou chapter 9 . 7/24
At least Nancy and the others are starting to be relaxed around each other, and also, and you're starting to act more like a team. Do you have a question, why does it seem like Joe think so little of himself? He is a great detective, but he seems to think that everyone is better at there jobs than he is. Maybe it's because he and Frank had always been at there best when they were younger. But Frank has moved on, and it seems joe can't. Though to me, frank will always be a better detective be than a lawyer, that is just my opinion, and your stories are great. Update when you can.
katnissta chapter 9 . 7/24
wow this guy must really hate the boss. I understand the way he is acting is a barrier to protect himself but I really hate it. it would be better to show your real feelings. speaking of yay Francy! this story is moving along nicely. frank probably feels guilty for dating nancy again while his dad is missing.
novembershowers chapter 9 . 7/24
Oh, what an honor... a shoutout from the author! Thank you!

I love how Bess’ personality shone in this chapter and I can feel the anxiety emanating from the Hardy boys. I am glad Frank and Nancy are ok.

Looking forward to the next chapter to find out about the smoke in Nancy’s room!
Candylou chapter 8 . 7/22
No Wonder joe is upset. Joe has always been better when he was working as a team, but his team he is supposed to be part of, is leaving him out. Fenton could have also been just trying to protect joe, but to Joe, not at least telling him just seems like he is not being trusted. Frank and Nancy, on the other hand, just seems to be Nancy fear of commitment. If they love each other so much, why do they keep pushing each other away? Could it also be because neither one is not truly where they belong? Update when you can.
angelicalkiss chapter 9 . 7/24
im sure Bess' interrogation skills are pretty good from the sound of it. im sure she'll be able to get anything out of a guy. someone started a fire in Nancy's room? crap what else could go wrong?
MargaretA66 chapter 8 . 7/22
Oh good, the brother's are confiding in each other. and Nancy & Frank are talking. Frank needs to get his head and his heart in sync. He wants a wife and a family, but he's attracted to Women who are strong, adventurous, independent and not ready to settle down.
angelicalkiss chapter 8 . 7/22
Whatever fear Nancy has about committment she needs to get over. obviously they love each other and if she really eants to be with Frank then do it! sweet moment tho but again they need to talk more. hope they find Fenton safe because its starting to sound bad on his end
novembershowers chapter 8 . 7/22
I posted a review for chapter 7 but it got lost! Anyway, I look forward to your updates.

Well... that clears the air, somewhat. Hopefully, they will meet halfway. I do hope they explore more about their relationship.

I wish to hug Joe in this chapter.
Candylou chapter 7 . 7/19
Whatever is happening is definitely not good. Either Fenton is in trouble or in hiding. Either way something major is on its way. Whatever has happened between frank and Nancy, they need to put it aside and work together. I have a feeling Joe and Bess are going to be the voice of reason. Update when you can
Guest chapter 7 . 7/19
Whatever is happening
angelicalkiss chapter 7 . 7/20
wonder who fenton wanted Joe to call. wondering a lot of things. sounds like Nancy and Frank need to work it out since theyre both having trouble sleeping wven tho its not just whats going on between them thats the problem
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