Reviews for Terrible Love
Guest chapter 7 . 7/25
Katherine is annoying as always.
Guest chapter 6 . 7/25
What does do?

Does he run his own company or work for someone as he's always busy?
Guest chapter 6 . 7/25
Enzo, is something else.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/25
Was Damon cheatef on? He sounds like he's talking from experience...
Guest chapter 4 . 7/25
That's it...?
Guest chapter 3 . 7/25
Face palm...
Guest chapter 2 . 7/25
There's something wrong with this Tom guy. It's as if he's saying, drunken mistakes happen and Elena must deal with it. He doesn't sound sorry at all.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/25
Why Elena is still with this Tom guy, is beyond me. He can't seem to keep it in his pants.
Pratik Bhagyawant chapter 7 . 7/14
plzz update soon
Pratik Bhagyawant chapter 2 . 7/14
i think here elena should take stand for herself she's a independent women with nice job and all she could get any man she wants
Pratik Bhagyawant chapter 7 . 7/13
great keep writing keep updating great stories and chapters like this
ThatAverageGirl chapter 6 . 7/11
Love this story!
Imarifirst chapter 4 . 7/11
I can’t believe she let this ASS”H””E get away with putting his hands on her that way firstly that was hitting below the belt second she’s a female, third she’s a doctor she actually really needs her hands , at the very least she should have kick him really hard in his” nut sack “. I’m sorry if you don’t believe in “tit for tat “but I would not allow no one to get away with that especially a man ,that being said let Elena learn some kick boxing for when she runs into that ASSH””E again , Peace
becausethenight chapter 5 . 7/10
I think this story has a lot of potential, I love where you’re going with it. Underrated!
Imarifirst chapter 3 . 7/7
Okay NO after she recovers from her drunken stupor , she’ll return to her dwelling and pack her S””T anything she paid for she can call the Salvation Army to get it while she’s there ASAP she’s they want it ,as far as the ring no she can sale and treat herself to whatever she wants , and for him not to go crying to Jenna ,or she’ll show everyone the video of him and his whore , yeah I know there’s no video , but he doesn’t know that , sale her practice to a doctor in good standing like herself and be honest with them and tell them due to family issues you have to leave and not divulge this information with anyone under the HIPAA law , yeah I know let them take her temperature Pay them a dollar ,now they are her doctor , get on the plane and straight to the cabin ,I swear I was there I slap her silly because really she doesn’t love that dumbass , Update soon ,Peace
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