Reviews for Izuku's Time Traveling Babysitting Service
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 7 . 9/9
I am loving this!
Oghenevwogaga chapter 7 . 9/5
This is lovely.
darklogic chapter 6 . 9/4
Ok, so I drafted a reply to reviews back when I posted chapter 6. However, something went wrong, and the reply never got posted. In fact, it got deleted. I didn’t have the energy to type it all over again, so from now on I’m typing my FFN review-replies in Word, saving them, and then finally posting them.

Now to reply to three chapters worth of your comments! Thank you all again for reading and reviewing!

“MosesArk Reborn2000 chapter 7 . Aug 25
Firstly, Bakugo as a uncle must be the weirdest thing for even future Izuku to handle as that is a drastic change to the guy you grew up with.”

Oh, it is. Imagine the guy that used to beat you up being a friend to you and great to your kids in the future. That’s so weird.

“With Nana, it was kinda a given that Uraraka as the mother due to her hair colour, the only other candidates would have been Kinoko from 1-B(Which would have been a whole other can of worms explaining how the two of them got together) and a OC.”

I wasn’t exactly subtle with my hint dropping, though I was coy in the comments.

“I would have thought she would have more control over her quirk, like adding Inko's weak telekinesis to Uraraka Zero gravity, Zero Gravity removes weight from an object, which means that at least on paper, Inko would be able to control said objects. Which would make a quirk that allows the user to make things or people weightless and then move them around with nothing but a thought.”

No four-year-old should have precise control over anything as complex as a Quirk. They can barely handle their still-growing bodies. As for how I derived the Quirk, it’s primarily from her mom, but upgraded due to Quirk Evolution as discussed in the manga.

“Izuku must be a busy man in the future but seeing how he's destined to become the world's number one, he most likely has a schedule similar to All Might's in his prime.”

Absolutely. Fighting crime, publicity events, promotional events, and fighting even more crime. Being the new Symbol of Peace is exhausting work.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

“Funny-Little-Cute White Fox chapter 7 . Aug 25
Hope you write soon, want to see more future Kids!”

More is on the way!

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

“SilverLux3264 chapter 7 . Aug 25
Oh man this is really sweet. Thank you”

I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thank you!

“TheGreatBubbaJ chapter 7 . Aug 24
Interesting dynamic they have there.”

The real question, though: Did it get interesting before they affected the future with time travel, or was it always that way?

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

“Guest chapter 7 . Aug 24
My heart. They make mochi together!? That’s the cutest thing ever! Timeline changing shenanigans aside, this chapter was beyond cute. Beyond teeth rotting fluff... hurts my heart adorable. I’m gonna go stare at my wall for a bit. I have a job interview later on today, I can’t focus with this seismic level of cuteness today.”

I hope your interview went well! I’m glad you enjoyed the cute fluff! Thanks for reading and reviewing!

“Guest chapter 7 . Aug 24
aww it's sweet story
Make more”

Thanks, and more is coming!

“Terry Takahashi chapter 7 . Aug 24
My baby girl Kendo still has a chance man I can’t wait for the other chapters to figure out what’s going on

Stay safe and hope you keep updating”

Kendo’s unique in this story for her capacity to step out of the spotlight and let someone else have their moment. She absolutely could assert herself and look out for her future prospects, but she shows amazing patience.

She is, quietly, a hero in the background. She might not think anyone notices, but they do.

Thanks for commenting!

“Nabe-Chan chapter 7 . Aug 24
i thought izuku have kids with others too?”

I shall spoil nothing, but you’ll see that more chaos is coming.

Stay tuned! Thanks for commenting!

“Anon-Kun chapter 7 . Aug 24
Thanks for the chapter dark!”

You’re welcome!

“i was patiently waiting for the new chapter of reflections but this came first so, yeah i'll read anything you write except for the S.E.X fic (not my cup of tea) :)”

That’s fine. I don’t demand everyone read ALL my fics, just My Green Sun Prince Academia. :p

“on to the review itself: my god i have a very huge smile on my face of as i read this chapter, too much sugar will kill me literally.”


“if what you said is true so Green sun prince is next then reflections or is it the other way around? its true that the huge cliffhanger you left leaves me somewhat thirsty for more, but i reread MGSPA 3 times now so its okay for a few months actually even if you don't update that one cuz i really want to read reflections, anyways until next time dark :)”

Well, I updated Green Sun Prince. Next up: Reflection!

“God am i huge izuocha fan”

I have a secret: I am too. Don’t tell anyone, ok?

Thanks for reading and commenting!

“Stormgate chapter 7 . Aug 24
This was a sweet chapter.”

I’m glad you liked it! Thank you!

“Random65 chapter 3 . Aug 18

Yay! I’m glad you like it! Thank you!

“Random65 chapter 1 . Aug 18

Huzzah! Thanks for reading and commenting!

“TheGreatBubbaJ chapter 6 . Aug 14
I know this isn't the route you are going, but I had the random thought of even more kids popping in from different multiverses where he had different spouses. Even someone entertaining the thought would be enough to have that spin off, and could lead to some hilarious conversations as someone flusteredly denies they think of him that way while a child sharing their likeness gets warped in to join the multiverse daycare.”

I confirm and deny nothing. Nothing! However yes, that sounds gut-bustingly hilarious.

“Best wishes to you two, I hope you both stay strong. I am sure your wife is a sturdy woman, and you will help her through it.”

We’re doing our best and enduring. Thank you!

“G. Login chapter 6 . Aug 14
given the tags there is much more to this I am curious. If it was this simple you wouldn't have bothered”


“Different children of Deku's from different possible futures. Then everyone wandering which future is their future.”

I confirm and deny nothing! Thanks for reading and commenting!

“G. Login chapter 5 . Aug 14
I like that it isn't Ochako too obvious. Everyone will be so shocked. Mina totally shipped it she'll be crushed. That may be part of the reason for the trip. Now that Ochako knows she isn't getting with Deku she may notice who she is meant to be with and she wouldn't have noticed him if she stayed focused on Deku.”

Well… you’re wrong… but you’re also right.
You’ll see what I mean soon. Thank again for commenting!

“Guest chapter 6 . Aug 12
Who ever said there was a single future. What if istead of going to the future, Izuku went to an alerternate reality. Or one was created once something was found said that Isuka found them first originally. Then there's the fact of what's happening in the future. That could be affecting the past, especially if resorted to time traveling to keep Nana safe. ALSO it's Mei tech. Even if she got better, there's still the fact that it's Mei.”

I’ll confirm the part about Mei right away, but for the rest I’m keeping everyone guessing! Thanks for reading and commenting!

“Guest chapter 6 . Aug 12
OMFG! How in the hell did it get more adorable?! Ochako was always going to be the first mother, I should’ve guessed. Overactive mystery reader mind of mine went into overdrive and over shot... again. But holy crap was that failed guess worth it just to see how cute and adorable the family getting together was. Though now I have to wonder how soon it’s going to be before we see another of Izuku’s kids, and if it’s going to be Itsuka’s. If that is the route you’re headed towards. Again I cannot express how much I adored and loved this chapter.”

I’m glad you’re enjoying it! There’s plenty more on the way!

“last admiral chapter 6 . Aug 12
Damn, what a revealation! And why its too early? Is Future!Deku gonna throw more childrens into the past and thus turned the class into "guess who's the mother?" game?!”

This is early, as this story will be much longer.

“Also, please make this story to be more than 100k words, i need more and my curiosity need to be satisfied.”

Knowing me, that’s a promise I can easily keep.

“Ezylryb chapter 6 . Aug 12
Great chapter”

I’m glad you enjoyed it!

“ProjectIceman chapter 6 . Aug 12
That moment when Nana becomes older because Uraraka found out...XD”

That would be awesomely hilarious! Not sure if I can use that idea… but I really want to.

“Yomerenges chapter 4 . Aug 12

I laughed while writing it. Thanks for laughing with me!

“garoorar chapter 6 . Aug 12
Daww... Cute.”

I’m glad you like it! Thanks for reading and commenting!

“NazgulBelserion chapter 4 . Aug 5
Just hurry up and get Nejire that's mama I already see it”

She is in the tags. That’s all I’ll say for noiw.

“Guest chapter 5 . Aug 4
Wait I actually know the answer to my own question. I usually find my stories on Hazeleyes180’s favorites list. They tend to filter out the stuff that’s usually not really my taste, and boy am I glad I found this on there. Cheers!”

Oh, neat. Thanks for sharing that!

“Guest chapter 5 . Aug 2
Holy bleeping bleep how have I barely found this! I'm all in.”

Yay for all in!

“TheGreatBubbaJ chapter 5 . Aug 1
Poor Itsuka, don't worry, I'm sure somewhere out in that big multiverse you are having consensual hand holding love making with the purpose of procreation with Izuku right now. You degenerate.”

Indeed. Such degeneracy.

“The All Might scenes were very effective emotional moments.”

Thank you! I loved making those!

“Every day, reflection draws closer to that one moment, more powerful than any other. The Big OOF .”

The Oofening is next!

“Guest chapter 5 . Aug 1
Good job”

Thank you!

“LegendaryMob chapter 5 . Aug 1
I wild theory:

I think all this secret mission, time travel babysitting etc etc. Is merely a ploy of adult izuku so that he could give his younger self the harem he wasn't able to make (lol). He gave nana to his younger self so that he could boost and add a fatherly charm to his younger self preexisting charm. The mystery nana background is for the girls to grow curious and slowly inch towards his (y)self. Slowly but surely adult izuku is bit by bit changing the future cause maybe a resentful yandere girl got jealous of his chosen future wife and this yandere girl might be a close friend and such and a threat to his wife and daughter thus he made a decision for his younger self to enrapture all the possible culprit and give nana some couple of dozen siblings as bonus! Huzzah! Nice try adult izuku! Harem is justice!”

I… you’re not right… but are you necessarily wrong? You’ll see. Thanks for liking this enough for making a neat theory!

“Spazzedout chapter 5 . Aug 1
Ohhhhh. Okay. And awwww that’s adorable. Little Nana is working so hard to hold in that secret. Her Mama is going to be really proud... and possibly shocked to the point of fainting, but still proud! You also gotta feel something for Itsuka she’s suffering but I have a feeling that it’ll get better. And maybe this is already affecting the future. Maybe the old timeline of one kid is getting changed to more because of this. My old professor was super into time travel and he had so many theories on what would and wouldn’t be possible. Anyways one thing that always stuck out to me was when he said “ once time travel is achieved, the future will be forever changed” and what he meant by that is that no matter how hard you try somethings are going to be different. As long as there is a nexus, the thing you’re trying to preserve in the future will be fine. In other words this opens the door for Nana to be there, but she may start getting siblings that she didn’t have before. The “problem” with this is that it could have a snowball effect of aunts turning into mamas. Well all the women who have a quantum entanglement with Izuku. Which is just a fancy way of saying women who could have had a chance in any given universe of being with Izuku coming into the same universe without confusion. Because the nexus that wasn’t there before is now there. Which means that it is currently happening a different way than from before. Because once you time travel the future is forever gonna be changed. It’s confusing and I’m just babbling off what he used to say in a really butchered way.”

Soon I’ll reveal how time travel works in this fic, and you’ll get to see just how everything is entangled. In the meantime, I love comments like these. Thank you for reading and commenting!

“wolfkid23 chapter 5 . Aug 1
This was a sweet chapte”

Thank you! I’m glad you liked it!

“ProjectIceman chapter 5 . Aug 1
Asking all these questions. Asking all these questions.”

I hope to provide answers soon!

Thank you for reading and commenting!
Kai Dragoon chapter 7 . 9/2
Base on the description I am waiting for other children to pop up. 1 does not give enough chaos and confusion.
MosesArk Reborn2000 chapter 7 . 8/25
Firstly, Bakugo as a uncle must be the weirdest thing for even future Izuku to handle as that is a drastic change to the guy you grew up with.

With Nana, it was kinda a given that Uraraka as the mother due to her hair colour, the only other candidates would have been Kinoko from 1-B(Which would have been a whole other can of worms explaining how the two of them got together) and a OC.

I would have thought she would have more control over her quirk, like adding Inko's weak telekinesis to Uraraka Zero gravity, Zero Gravity removes weight from an object, which means that at least on paper, Inko would be able to control said objects. Which would make a quirk that allows the user to make things or people weightless and then move them around with nothing but a thought.

Izuku must be a busy man in the future but seeing how he's destined to become the world's number one, he most likely has a schedule similar to All Might's in his prime.
Funny-Little-Cute White Fox chapter 7 . 8/25
Hope you write soon, want to see more future Kids!
SilverLux3264 chapter 7 . 8/25
Oh man this is really sweet. Thank you
TheGreatBubbaJ chapter 7 . 8/24
Interesting dynamic they have there.
Guest chapter 7 . 8/24
My heart. They make mochi together!? That’s the cutest thing ever! Timeline changing shenanigans aside, this chapter was beyond cute. Beyond teeth rotting fluff... hurts my heart adorable. I’m gonna go stare at my wall for a bit. I have a job interview later on today, I can’t focus with this seismic level of cuteness today.
Guest chapter 7 . 8/24
aww it's sweet story
Make more
Terry Takahashi chapter 7 . 8/24
My baby girl Kendo still has a chance man I can’t wait for the other chapters to figure out what’s going on

Stay safe and hope you keep updating
Nabe-Chan chapter 7 . 8/24
i thought izuku have kids with others too?
Anon-Kun chapter 7 . 8/24
Thanks for the chapter dark!

i was patiently waiting for the new chapter of reflections but this came first so, yeah i'll read anything you write except for the S.E.X fic (not my cup of tea) :)

on to the review itself: my god i have a very huge smile on my face of as i read this chapter, too much sugar will kill me literally.

if what you said is true so Green sun prince is next then reflections or is it the other way around? its true that the huge cliffhanger you left leaves me somewhat thirsty for more, but i reread MGSPA 3 times now so its okay for a few months actually even if you don't update that one cuz i really want to read reflections, anyways until next time dark :)

God am i huge izuocha fan
Stormgate chapter 7 . 8/23
This was a sweet chapter.
Random65 chapter 3 . 8/18
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