Reviews for Rosewood & Emerald
TheEasternWind chapter 10 . 8/1
Hi ho, I finally got the time to read the new chapter. Thank you for posting on schedule. And also a hugr thank your for the teaser via PM!
Momma Laura W chapter 10 . 7/31
So darn exciting! So Edward and Bella's relationship leads up to this moment in time? Things are all starting to fall in place so they can figure out what's happening...
William Francies Reisen-Newman chapter 10 . 7/31
nice update...
debslmac chapter 10 . 7/31
cbmorefie chapter 10 . 7/31
Romana973 chapter 10 . 7/31
Thanks for a great chapter.
ginkgo00 chapter 10 . 7/30
Fabulous story, thank you.
dpennell007 chapter 10 . 7/30
Oh boy, there's no turning back now!
prettymomma128 chapter 10 . 7/30
Awesome! I can't wait to see what happens next.
tpea1288 chapter 10 . 7/30
Be still my heart! I adore this story & all the characters so far. Bella did not hesitate to trust Edward. I really want a future for these 2!
Eeyorefan12 chapter 10 . 7/30
Your descriptive prose is mesmerizing. I never skim your writing but read every word because you paint such a clear picture for us of what is happening. This moment of total trust that Bella gives to Edward is so beautiful, it gives me chills.
Irishpotato123 chapter 10 . 7/30
I read this story to get away from everyday stress but yeah, it’s stressful too I didn’t know you weren’t a native English speaker, it’s amazing how well you write!
Melissa Moyer chapter 10 . 7/30
I get all excited every time this updates. I love stories involving magic
cctwilight chapter 10 . 7/30
This story is so good! I hope Edward and Bella find some answers in the room.
AnakinSmom chapter 10 . 7/30
I can't wait to see what they find!
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