Reviews for The Saunders Civil War
SuperSwanky69 chapter 5 . 7/29
Yooo, this is such a weird and interesting idea, I am really enjoying this story. Although I'm not as a civil war buff as you, I do appreciate all the references crammed in here!

I know the "war" has already started, and other senshadou schools have added into a mix, I wonder if more schools will join the fray. Maybe Chi-ha-Tan will support the Dixons, as they are both Japanese "nationalists"?

also haha I hope there's a Braxton Bragg character, because I do want to see a character that just fails in everything she does lol.
Imperator of Metal chapter 5 . 7/25
This was a great chapter and battle again, you sure know how to create a thrilling atmosphere in your story.

Oh yes, the Irish and the 69th of Thomas Meagher who payed a heavy price at Antietam. Good to see them in the ranks of Saunders.

I wonder if Mary is General McClellan who fought many bloody battles but never could achieve a decisive victory and eventually got replaced by Lincoln.

Thanks for writing this story. Keep it up!
Imperator of Metal chapter 4 . 7/20
Am i right that this was the First Battle of Bull Run?

This was very enjoyable again. Keep it up!
Imperator of Metal chapter 3 . 7/17
Nice chapter again, already looking forward to the battles.

And thanks for the reply! Of course it's your story, it's up to you to decide what happens, the fate of any suggestion is in your hands. If i may give another: insted of Hampton Roads, could you make a scene like at the end of the 1993 movie "Gettysburg", where the dying General Armistead asks a northern officer to tell General Hancock how sorry he is?

Keep it up and have a nice day!
Imperator of Metal chapter 2 . 7/14
I like how you draw a parallel between the actual Civil War and this fictional conflict and how we can see the historical figures like Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis and General Lee embodied in your characters. I especially like Anna Lee, she represents well the thinking of her historical counterpart.

I wonder if we will see battles like Fort Sumter, Antietam, Fredericksburg or Gettysburg, it would be awesome. (Also, i know it might be hard to do with tanks, but could we see maybe the Battle of Hampton Roads where the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia battled each other?)

Great story so far!

Keep it up!
Imperator of Metal chapter 1 . 7/11
A very intersting story so far. I've always loved fics about conflicts like this in GUP universe. I also wrote a story about girls schools vs. boys schools and some of my earlier scenes were inspired by the American Civil War.

As for your story, i'm very interested in the story of the American Civil War, so this is a plus good point for me (though i'm a European). I know that conflict was much more complicated than many people portray it, but to be honest: i side with the Union. I know that many of the souther soldiers just wanted to defend their homes, but i can't overlook the fact that the vice-president of the Confederacy said that the chief stone of their new country is slavery. Now, to quote the words of General Robert E. Lee: "slavery is a moral and political evil in any society". Not to mention that he was against the secession.

Despite of this the south had its own heroes, the regular southern soldiers were just victims of a terrible bloodbath and man's blind indifference to his fellow man.

Summa summarum: this is a very promising story, i'm wondering where this is going. Much support! Keep it up!

(Also, happy late 4th July! (Which is btw my birthday:D))