Reviews for It's just a spark but it's enough
Guest chapter 5 . 7/28
One thing about Joel that I've always wondered is if he ever found out the identity of the person who ordered that solider to kill him and Sarah in the beginning of the first game and if Joel ever tried to hunt that person down? I mean, if that person is still out there after all these years, then maybe Ellie could find that person in a third game and avenge Sarah's death...?
The Imitation Wizard chapter 5 . 7/28
Another fabulous update! Loving it! Keep up the awesome work! Bravo!
ReallyBigLemons chapter 5 . 7/27
I’m absolutely loving this
Looking forward to the next chapter
Guest chapter 5 . 7/26
1. I'm just saying that Tommy's desire to make sure that Abby is dead was the only thing that appears to be keeping him sane in spite of everything he lost in the second game. As such, that is why I am saying that he will likely snap once he learns that Ellie did went after Abby, only to let her go, and that would be the last straw for his sanity. Therefore, I suspect that in a potential third game, Tommy would go completely mad to the point that he blames Ellie for absolutely everything and I think he will kill her personally, but not before telling Ellie that she should have died in the hospital on that fateful day.

2. No, I don't think that Ellie would've checked to see if Dina and JJ are okay; most likely in her mind, Dina's decision to leave her made Ellie's fear of dying alone a reality. She wouldn't likely attempt to go back to Jackson because she'll feel that Dina would likely reject her and make JJ forget about her. That is why I said previously that she'd likely initially have quasi-suicidal tendencies if a third game comes around.

3. I'd like to think that a third game will have two playable characters; the first obviously being Ellie. For a second character, I'd like it to be a girl whom Ellie adopts and raises all by herself; maybe Ellie would name the girl Sarah, after Joel's daughter.

4. I hope that a third game will explore the origins of the infection; despite all the information provided thus far in the series, I feel that the actual origin probably involves an experimentation or weaponization of the fungus gone horribly wrong, and the government likely covered it up as a result via false information. I also do not think that there is an actual cure for the infection, and I think that the true purpose of an immune person like Ellie is that the fungus growth in the brain somehow allows one to actually tame/control the Infected; but only after that person first experiences a situation that brings out an extremely high emotional state (which Ellie probably will do in a third game). I dunno, maybe I probably think too much of what Eren did in "Attack on Titan" and probably think that something similar might happen to Ellie.
The Imitation Wizard chapter 4 . 7/24
Love this chapter! Can’t wait for more! Bravo!
xlittlewonder chapter 4 . 7/22
Okay my review lol. How can u make every chapter so interesting? Like they are so different from each other, telling different aspects of Ellie's life after California. Your narrative honestly got me cautivate, I love it so much.
In terms of story it makes me so sad that Ellie is still getting so bad moments in her life when she’s been through a lot, I hope it gets better, although it feels completely necessary for the storyline. I loved Abby's perspective (which I need more, I want to know her thoughts). I hope Tommy understand that hate was destroying Ellie's body from the inside, and she needed to let it go. She didn't forgive Abby at that moment in California, she forgived herself, for not being capable of telling sorry a Joel, for not forgiving him, and for being so mean. Abby stole all those chances. Besides, Joel deserved to rest in peace.
See you in your next chapter! Good job
Guest chapter 4 . 7/22
1. You know, if they ever make "The Last of Us Part III," I think Tommy will become an antagonist; if not the main one. The reason I say this is because I think he will be driven to madness from the culmination of everything; the death of Joel, he and his wife being separated (or divorced, at worst), and finding out that Ellie spared Abby instead of killing her (which I suspect will happen; how he finds out is up for speculation). Probably next game, Tommy will blame Ellie for everything that happened and he'll probably kill Ellie himself.

2. I think that Ellie will have quasi-suicidal tendencies in (at least) the beginning of the next game; not because of her fight with Abby, but because Dina left the farm with JJ instead of waiting for Ellie to come back (because if Dina has stayed, it would have proved she still loved Ellie despite the conversation they had before Ellie left to hunt down Abby), and, as such, Ellie's fear of dying alone will apparently come true because she'd have nothing left to live for. But then, I think that Ellie will find something or someone important that will help give her a reason to keep on living.
kimballs09 chapter 4 . 7/22
Oh my god!
The Imitation Wizard chapter 3 . 7/18
Another fantastic chapter! Can’t wait for more!
ReallyBigLemons chapter 1 . 7/18
I like where this is heading
Looking forward to the next update !
xlittlewonder chapter 3 . 7/17
I loved it as always. I think It would be interesting to see a flashback with Abby's POV. keep it up!
kimballs09 chapter 3 . 7/17
This story gets better and better
The Imitation Wizard chapter 2 . 7/16
Awesome story! Bravo!
xlittlewonder chapter 2 . 7/15
I told you before and I'll say it again I LOVE YOUR WRITING and how you portrait Ellie and Dina relationship respecting on how they really are and how would they act, it just feels so real hahaha. I’m already looking after the next chapter!
Guest chapter 2 . 7/14
Its good to see dinas perspective. I really enjoy your writing and how the things being put into this story
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