Reviews for The Case
Guest chapter 4 . 8/4
Love it so far!
alix33 chapter 4 . 8/4
The admiral sort of eavesdropping on Harm and Mac's conversation is funny.
According to show canon we do not know where Mac went to college but she went to law school at Duke in North Carolina.
Renee was a producer (of a recruitment ad for the US navy that she had Harm star in), not a reporter.
alix33 chapter 3 . 8/4
In chapter 2 did you mean for Mac to say "the winters were really long and cold"?
Did you mean for Harm to think "her parents' cabin"?
Harm and Mac's phone conversation was SO sweet.
fictionalmike chapter 4 . 8/1
Thank you for the continuing lovely and involving dialogue.
Annarita chapter 4 . 8/1
This chapter definitely captured Harm and Mac so well!
Ali chapter 4 . 8/1
Great story so far can not wait to read more. Thank you.
jpstar57 chapter 4 . 8/1
In the show canon, Mac mentions that she grew up in Arizona whenever she mentioned Red Rock Mesa. I have her being born and growing up in Arizona in a couple of my stories. She went to college in Minnesota on an academic scholarship. Don't worry about where you place Mac's, Harm's or anyone else's past history. It's your story(s). As for this one, I really like that AJ is speculating on Harm's lunchtime conversations. He sounds a little dense as to not figuring out the time zones difference. We FF writers know how to fix what TPTB so royally screwed up. Nicely done and keep it coming. This is a very enjoyable story.
Guest chapter 4 . 8/1
Just started reading this story and throughly enjoying it. This is exactly how Harm & Mac should be with each other. Thank you for writing Harm & Mac in such a lovely way chapter 4 . 7/31
So cute! Really loving this story.
MAJ8395 chapter 4 . 7/31
Definitely enjoying this one! So, AJ's on the prowl so to speak? If he overheard any of the conversation, he will be shocked to know it's Mac.

BTW, you're the one who got me thinking about where Mac grew up. :) Looking forward to the next chapter.
minimindbender chapter 4 . 7/31
Loving it! They’re so fun!
Marycocke chapter 4 . 7/31
Excellent writing and I hope you keep writing it
EricFan71 chapter 3 . 7/30
“What was he supposed to say?” How about “Sorry Renée but since I just got out of the hospital after my plane crashing, my doctor doesn’t wants me staying close to home.“

UGH! Keep up the good work, I’m enjoying this and want to know where it’s going!
EricFan71 chapter 2 . 7/30
And yet another reason to dislike Renée. UGH! Biotch needs a good, swift kick to the head, hopefully bouncing off Harm’s head too. What’s wrong with him taking off on Mac like that!? Double UGH!
Annarita chapter 3 . 7/29
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