Reviews for Captain Of The Guard
Guest chapter 1 . 7/14
Any chance you can write one with Elsa in military or as a soldier? Thank you
Wolf heart 22 chapter 1 . 7/14
You know a sequel with Anna wounded in her duty of trying to protect her sister. And then Elsa has to worry if she'll lose her sister.
Ara chapter 1 . 7/14
Ooh this is really nice! I'm a slut for Anna as a soldier. Of Anna with a sword. Or Anna in uniform. Ever since that military jacket art thing was released I've been in love with that look. I low key want to draw her in a propper arendellian military uniform rn haha. Aaaaaaaand this is just really sweet. The concept of Anna protecting Elsa is a great concept. And Elsa treating Anna as her favorite (because she is!) makes me soft. Anyways great work! I loved it!