Reviews for After the Adventurer
Warriorcreed chapter 13 . 9/26
I guess I got that wrong, I forgot about the time this story takes place, Princesses are for marrying other royals to assure peace, not to run countries where there are males in the line of succession. Of course Bernadette may not care too much about being Queen of Germany since her and England’s prince appear to be a little attracted to each other, which could result in her being Queen of England in the future, if they are matched by their families. It was nice that Leonard and Penny finally found some time alone but it was really funny how interested Admiral Hofstadter’s crew was in him and Penny getting together.
Harakan chapter 13 . 9/23
Another great and funny chapter regard of sexual life on Leonard and Penny. Odd is only hat Penny gain respect as officer and woman that is ultra rare in that time even today. So can say the same for Bernadette royal and Joan of Arc so to speak of Bavaria. Lets see what happen next.
SRAM chapter 13 . 9/22
Royal Politics are really a bitch, Gerard being the first born and a male makes it almost impossible for the King not to make him his successor to the throne, there was no such thing as sexual equality back then. Well maybe Bernadette can be given a position like Secretary of State or something that gets her to England to visit the prince, it is very common to have princesses and princes of different countries marry to link two countries together as allies. Penny’s return to England should be interesting, she now has a legitimate title as a German Army Major, her appointment coming directly from the Royal Family, so she now a little bit of a big deal since she is someone now important to German Royal family. It is really something how she has gone from a pirate to now a person who can associate with both German and British royalty.
Richard76310 chapter 13 . 9/22
This is truly ,to me, your best writing. Will Bernadette travel to England and Perdue a romance? How well will it go for Penny and her relatives? Who marries first. Penny had her relationship with Sheldon and it was done tastefully. She now has Leonard and has a passionate relationship with him. Still wondering when the Amy thing comes up. Thank you for your writing and hope you and yours are well.
bamadude chapter 13 . 9/22
Great chapter. The Admiral and the Major are getting along just fine. I can't wait till they meet with the Queen. Can't wait to read more.
Guest chapter 12 . 9/13
I expect that when Leonard and Penny get some alone time, years of unsatisfied passion will be released as they tear the clothes off each other. However, birth control is not something that was practiced then so their union could have results neither of them have planned for.
Warriorcreed chapter 12 . 9/12
So it was Bernadette who got overly enthusiastic during the battle and Penny was just trying to reign her in to protect her. Good thing Leonard showed up with the Marines, because Penny and Bernadette would have prisoners of the Marquis if he didn’t show up when he did. I expect that Queen Bernadette has now earned the respect of her generals and troops, so I’m thinking that she will end up being the ruler of Germany, after the story of how she lead her troops to victory has spread quickly through her country. The only remaining questions are, do Leonard and Penny find a place to finally be alone and what is in store for them in the future.
Harakan chapter 12 . 9/10
Leonard to the rescue well that you cant hear every day but this story is everything but ordinary and really like to see this characters in different roles. I to will also crashed the enemy to the end but you must know your limits time for some woo hoo in admirals cabin :).
SRAM chapter 12 . 9/10
Bernadette is definitely impulsive, riding into the thick of the battle to spur on her troops, though very noble, was a very dangerous thing to do. Good thing she had Penny and Leonard to watch her back, along with Leonard’s naval marines, otherwise the Marquis would have had most of the German royal family in his grasp and probably could have negotiated much more favorable terms for the French, if not an actual surrender. However, now the Marquis can only negotiate a bloodless withdrawal of his troops, the French retreating like whipped dogs with their tails between their legs, this news will probably be something the Queen of England will be most pleased to hear. I’m curious now if Penny is going back to England as Captain Morgan, Admiral Hofstadter’s lover, or if Bernadette is letting her retain her battlefield commission as a German Major and she is going back as German Queen’s liaison to the British court, with full diplomatic immunity. That position and title would probably save both the Queen and Leonard from any future questions about why Penny was not put to trial and hanged, because a country doesn’t go around hanging the embassies from their allies, no matter what their backgrounds.
Richard76310 chapter 12 . 9/9
Again great story. Such a diversity for the characters roles here. The way you have placed them in such different sub plots and no cheating between them but respect and love amongst them. Although will Penny reveal her relationship with Amy?
bamadude chapter 12 . 9/9
Well, what a chapter. A lot of action and a bit of g rated romance. Can't wait for Chapter 13.
Warriorcreed chapter 11 . 9/2
I’m thinking that Bernadette and Penny are getting too excited with the change in the battle caused by the British arriving and don’t even realize their enthusiasm may also be putting themselves into danger. I don’t think the Marquis will hesitate for a second to try and capture Bernadette if he has a chance. Also, when this is all over, I think Leonard and Penny will be spending the next couple of days naked in a tent as Penny rewards Leonard for coming in the nick of time and saving her and Bernadette’s butts.
Guest chapter 11 . 9/1
loving it, keep going
Harakan chapter 11 . 9/1
Like i said in last chapter its modified battle of Waterloo in my humble opinion without the lady know its just hope that Penny is smart enough not to get themselves capture but it would make this story even more tense and exciting or maybe even Leonard because he is Admiral but this is land battle so he can also carries away and since Penny mastered guerrilla tactics as pirate she would be perfect choice for rescue campaign or hostage Bernadette possibilities are numerous.
SRAM chapter 11 . 8/31
Just when it looks all is lost the Calvary shows up in the nick of time, of course this Calvary is on foot and has red coats. This throws a new variable into the battle and upsets the plans of the Marquis, putting him on the defensive, as he tries to recover from the change to the battlefield. However, are Bernadette and Penny getting themselves too involved in the battle and putting themselves in danger by riding towards the Marquis and his troops, Penny was supposed to be the sensible one since she is responsible for Bernadette’s safety. So, I’m wondering if Leonard and his marines will be a rescue force if Bernadette and Penny’s enthusiasm over the change in the battle results in them getting in danger by getting too close to the French.
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