Reviews for All Fun and Games (Until Someone Loses A Soul)
FiftyCookies chapter 8 . 10/16
This story is original, interesting, and fun to read! It's past 4 am and I have class in less than 4 hours, but reading this was worth it. I like how you write both Bakura's and Harry's points of view, and you have a better understanding of both harry potter and yu-gi-oh canon than a lot of crossovers I've seen. Thanks for writing this and good luck writing more!
Basket in a Nutcase chapter 7 . 10/14
James Birdsong chapter 8 . 10/12
Good three chapters obviously
Az-Bebere chapter 8 . 9/25
I like the mismatch between Dumbledore and Bakura in their discussion: for wizards Horcruxes is the worst thing ever and here comes a bunch of magic users where even the light-siders stick souls in things on the regular. Although I think Bakura would agree with Horcruxes being terrible, but due to the "kill people to make them" thing not the "screw around with souls" one. And poor Ishuzu who has to be the face of the group
I Hate Snatch Steal chapter 8 . 9/18
This is getting interesting (:
Sakura Lisel chapter 8 . 9/18
Bakura and Malik should REMIND Amir that UNLIKE Amir and the gathered OUTSIDERS who are trying to illegally break into a cursed tomb, that Malik, Bakura, AND Ishiguro actually LIVE here, and have been TRAINED since the day they started walking and talking about how to ‘handle’ the traps and other dangers in the tombs, like previous generations of their family and people have done ever since the tomb was first erected. And demand who would they trust, people who actually KNOW how the tomb works and probably KNOWS a SAFE way through it, or just ignore them because they look ‘too young’ and ‘untrained’ in the eyes of outsiders. *lol*
GhostKing666 chapter 8 . 9/17
Honestly, the Egyptian magical community would probably be thrilled at learning the Tomb Keepers were real. Especially since with the Pharaoh gone, their 3000 year long vow of secrecy would be much less important then it used to be. Not to mention that with the Pharaoh gone, they kinda need a new purpose in life.

Becoming known and accepted as the undisputed experts in the life, history and magic of the Pharaohs and guardians of Egypt's past would fill that void, granting a lot of prestige to both the Tomb Keepers and the Egyptian magical community for having this living link to their ancient past revealed(and might even allow Egypt to develop a rival magical school to Uagadou, the primary wizarding school in Africa). And to Ishizu, it'd be no different then her day job the Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities(the SCA is the muggle government body responsible for the conservation, protection and regulation of all antiquities and archaeological excavations in Egypt, and as Secretary General, she's the head of said body, which would probably throw the wizards for a loop).

That said, I can also see Ishizu and the Tomb Keepers getting very very pissed at what Gringotts gets up to(Shadi, who was a tomb keeper(if from a different faction then the Ishtars) had no problem shadow gaming muggle archeologists that did things no where near as bad as what the Wizarding World does), sending in their curse-beakers to break the magical protections of tombs and temples in order to loot their treasures for a profit. Including harvesting mummies for things like Belch Powder. The muggle SCA's job is managing and overseeing archaeological efforts with Egypt's historical sites and fights tooth and nail to recover artifacts from not just foreign museums but also the antiquities black market, and as both the head of the SCA and as a Tomb Keeper, finding out that the Wizarding World still widely practices such pillaging of Egypt's history(professionally even) would be infuriating.

And finally two things, if they are retrieving the Millennium Items, I wonder if they'll send the Puzzle to Yugi as a memento of Atem. And two, if Bakura's going to go around collecting Voldemort soul bits, I wonder if Dumbledore could persuade Bakura to part with some of their vessels. Nagini's worthless and Tom's Journal is at best only valuable as Voldemort's school journal, but the Cup, Locket and Diadem are not just magical artifacts but historical artifacts linked to the founders of Hogwarts(and would with the Sword of Gryffindor finally complete the set of Founder Artifacts). And the Ring contains the Resurrection Stone, the final Deathly Hollow that Dumbledore's spent decades looking for(another set of magical artifacts). As a fellow "collector" Bakura would understand the value of and desire to finally get those last "pieces" even if he personally wouldn't care for them(outside of using the Resurrection Stone to see his family again and maybe get some closure, or summoning Atem to duel him again, though that's more Kaiba's thing).
Dragon Man 180 chapter 7 . 9/17
I can't wait to see Dumbledore's reaction to Moldywart's soul fragment being in a playing card. I also can't wait to see how Harry and the Ishtar family take to the Wizarding World.
GhostKing666 chapter 7 . 9/13
Thinking about it, you've got to wonder what Dumbledore is thinking. He gets a report that the Dursleys have fallen into a coma and goes to check to out to find that they've been rendered soulless!

Now, neither Dumbledore or the Wizarding World has any knowledge of Shadow Games, Ka, Ba, Duel Monsters, etc., and while Dumbledore knows more of magic then almost any other wizard, his knowledge of soul magic would be crude at best compared to Ancient Egypt and the Tomb Keepers(Bakura would personally scoff at having to murder someone just to split your soul, something he's capable of doing pretty much effortlessly(even to the point of putting bits of his soul into a set of dice just to rig them) as well as reversing such just as easily).

So his immediate conclusion when seeing the Dursleys rendered soulless would be of a Dementor attack, as a Dementor's Kiss is the only way he knows that could remove a person's soul without killing them. And as all Dementor's are under the control of the Ministry, his investigations would force him to conclude that not only is there someone in the Ministry that wants Harry dead, said someone has access to the Dementors, has a means of transporting a Dementor without anyone realizing at least one or more is missing, and as nobody in the neighborhood has mentioned such, has a means of cloaking a Dementor's environmental impact(the sudden widespread cold and despair) and was able to get at 4 Pivot Drive and the Dursleys despite Harry's blood protections.

Needless to say, this would be a horrifying conclusion, one that would mean Harry and those around him(like this nice muggle family that took him in) would be in horrible danger. Dumbledore would probably be actually relived somewhat to find out that it was the family that took Harry in that removed the Dursleys souls via ancient(and highly developed) soul magic, if only because the other option would be in many ways even worse. Granted, he'd still be incredibly paranoid and worried that an unknown family using unknown magic apparently stripped the Dursleys of their souls and are took Harry into their home, at least until he learned why the Ishtars and Bakura did that to the Dursleys and that their condition is only temporary and that they could return the Dursleys their souls anytime they wanted as soon as Dumbledore convinces that why they should.
GhostKing666 chapter 6 . 9/12
When it comes to the magic of Ancient Egypt, a few things. First, I'd be very surprised if there was such a thing as a "common" wizard back then. In Ancient Egypt, anyone with magic would have been given a first-class ticket into the priesthood(in Ancient Egypt, the priests were the wizards) and other high ranking positions in Egyptian society. Rather then there being a divide of magic/no magic, magic would have just been a part of a class divide, with the ability to use it opening all sorts of doors in education, power and status.

Though Bakura, as someone from not just the very edges of Egyptian society(family of tomb robbers) but also someone who was a criminal himself and very hostile to everyone and everything in Egypt, and with a revenge driven obsessive goal to destroy all of Egypt would have most likely been self taught(probably using what scrolls, texts and spells he could steal from various temples and tombs). He would have had a very "non-standard" magical education.

Second, the spells used in Ancient Egypt would actually still exist. And in fact, they've even been expanded beyond what would have been known back in Atem's time. Specifically, the spell and trap cards of the Duel Monsters card game. Channel some "heka" to them and you've got instant magic spells just like how channeling magic to monster cards lets you summon those monsters without needing a giant stone tablet or years of study or practice. Say what you will about how crazy Pegasus was, but the man was a pure genius without how he took an already powerful form of ancient magic and completely game broke it by modernizing into card form.

And finally third, on the presence of wands, please remember the "wand" Mana used to cast spells with(or the Staff Mahad has as the Dark Magician). Sure, the thing was a lot bigger and heavier then a modern wand(what with it being more like the Millennium Rod in size), but that thing and the Millennium Items themselves(and some the none-manga canon stuff like the Pyramid of Light, Quantum Cube and Shadow Charms) show that the Ancient Egyptians were familiar with the concept of a magical focus to aid their spellcasting(and very good at making ones that didn't need to come in the form of a wand).
GhostKing666 chapter 5 . 9/8
It'd be funny if Bakura sealing one of Voldemort's horcrux soul bits into cards becomes a running joke and he starts gathering a collection. And yeah, Bakura always does go for the complicated strategies.

Granted, with Heart of the Cards bullshit draw what you need/want when you need/want it magic being a thing, it's not like it's all that hard for him pull off the most convoluted strategy when he wants to(even if they'd be impossible in Real Life). And to his credit, he's pretty good at doing so when he knows his opponent a head of time and has time to strategize. In Battle City against Atem and Yami Marik, and against Yugi in Memory World, he was actually winning most of the duels. It was only when his opponent did something he had no way of anticipating and planning for that he lost(Atem summoning Osiris, Yami Marik not only having cards that Malik didn't know to warn him about but also Ra having special abilities that Malik didn't know and Yugi breaking his Undead Lock with Gandora-The Dragon of Destruction). Bakura's weakness is that once his opponent managed to break his strategies by doing something he didn't anticipate, he's usually quickly beaten.

Also, Harry using a Darklord deck? Not sure if that's a good idea. I mean sure it's ironic, but Harry being friends with the Ishtars and Bakura and knowing about Shadow Game magic means it's only a matter of time before he bonds with his cards enough for their Duel Spirits to show up. And I'm not sure if kiddy Harry has the willpower to handle dealing with(and not getting driven insane or controlled by) a bunch of Fallen Angels(including Lucifer). Seems like the type of Archetype choice that could really backfire it their Duel Spirits turn out to be the nasty type.
EternalKnight219 chapter 5 . 9/6
You gave him the Darklord deck? That's a tricky one.
Firebird0315 chapter 5 . 9/6
If you want to summon “cool” monsters (that aren’t Dark Magician/Blue-Eyes/Red-Eyes/exc.) than Darklord‘s are the deck for you. It is mainly focused on discarding high level monsters than special summoning them to the field. Can’t really swarm the field due to most Darklord card effects being a hard once per turn, but their are some Darklord monsters that can copy their ark type spell/trap cards by shuffling them to the deck alowing you to use it more than once that turn (even if they cost life points). The down side is that only one or two of the Darklord monsters are level 4 or lower (one of them had there name changed to be included in the ark type) so normal summoning them will be next to impossible (Well, there is one monster that can allow you to tribute summon a Darklord monster by banishing monsters in the grave as the tribute. But considering that this takes place just after Yu-Gi-Oh! (DM), I don’t think that link monsters are even a concept at this point).

And I got to admit, the Darklords represent Harry (in this fic) to a tee. He is seen by the wizarding world as basically the messiah, they put him on a pedestal so high that it’s a wonder that the kid could see the ground. But with Yami Bakura’s (an ex-evil spirit/murderer and thief) influence he’s going to shatter everyone’s expectations with a sledgehammer ( wouldn’t surprise me if he was put in Slytherin due to all of this). He’ll probably still try to do good, he just will be bending and breaking a lot more rules this time around. You could say that Harry will fall from grace due to Bakura’s corruption.
James Birdsong chapter 5 . 9/6
Excellent chapter. Amusing
I Hate Snatch Steal chapter 4 . 8/24
Good job. This made me laugh ( :
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