Reviews for Commandeered
Guest chapter 3 . 20h
This was a heart-wrenching chapter. I feel like you are tapping into the brutality of pirates and their misogyny. While difficult to read, your writing is very well done, and I am glad that you are update so quickly. Poor Amelia :(
Josh chapter 3 . 7/26
The story line keeps getting better and better, I wanna read more as the tension builds. I'm really enjoying the story line
Rookblonkorules chapter 3 . 7/26
Oh my goodness! While I love Silver dearly and think that the movie intended for us to see him as a bad man with a good heart- or that at least Jim brought that side out of him- this ruthless Silver is a terrifying sight to behold and I am loving how you're dealing with this side of him. Poor Amelia! This is awful to see her go through something like this and I really feel bad for Jim and Delbert to have to see it. Jim must be kicking himself right about now for not thinking about that loophole.
Rookblonkorules chapter 1 . 7/26
Ooh, I'm really glad to see that someone else had the same idea I did- although you're taking it from the perspective of Amelia, which I absolutely love. She's such a wonderful character, but her point of view is hard. Still, I think you nailed it. It was very sweet to see her starting to lower her walls and allow herself to be vulnerable around Doppler, even if the moment has been ruined by the appearance of the pirates and Jim.
You said that this story could be limited dark or it could be dark and I honestly think you should take this story wherever it leads you to go. Best of luck!
Guest chapter 2 . 7/25
Jesus. So much darker than the original, but very much capturing a culture of pirating that I think is very realistic. This chapter is very well written. I was on my toes the whole time. I’m glad that Jim still realized his ability to open the map is the biggest bargaining chip, under even higher stakes than in the movie. Wow! I can’t wait until you update.
Note: You might want to CW the chapter for discussion of sexual assault just to be safe!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/23
This is excellent so far! I love the tenderness with which you have written the interactions between Amelia and Delbert (as well as the former’s complicated feelings in allowing herself to feel vulnerable with him). What a cliff hanger as well! I am curious to see where you take this story (and relieved of course that, while there will be more interaction between Amelia and Silver, it will certainly not be a pairing). Looking forward to reading more!