Reviews for Ohana Means Family
Jennifer Baratta chapter 10 . 10/10
Outstanding chapter!
MageVicky chapter 10 . 10/10
Great chapter! loved the belle and emma interactions, and loved that emma just went to gold and told him about neal. and when she fired a shot and hook dropped his sword? very funny.
Ghostwriter chapter 10 . 10/10
Oooh I like this. Can't wait to see how you handle the Neal/Henry situation. Keep up the great work.
Jennifer Baratta chapter 9 . 10/3
Outstanding chapter!
MageVicky chapter 9 . 10/3
great chapter! i loooved the part in the beginning with emma and regina. those mature and honest talks they have are my kink. lol. and i can't wait to find out who spilled the beans about hopper and regina!
Ghostwriter chapter 9 . 10/3
I'm loving this take on this portion of S2. I can't wait till you get to Neal coming to Storybrooke as I'm curious as to where you'll take his character. Keep it up.
Jennifer Baratta chapter 8 . 9/26
Outstanding chapter.
MageVicky chapter 8 . 9/26
i love this chapter so much. i love the first scene with emma and august with the morning after, finding out that Whale is Frankenstein, and then the talk with regina before going into Granny's.
Ghostwriter chapter 8 . 9/26
Oh wow. Obviously not Regina. It's Cora. Keep up the great work.
MageVicky chapter 7 . 9/20
great chapter! i liked everything emma said to henry about regina, and his father.
Ghostwriter chapter 7 . 9/19
Awesome job. Love it.
Bwayrox chapter 6 . 9/6
This chapter was really good. I love your version of the nursery scene. It many ways it was much more in depth and tender than the actual version. And I liked the added scene with Regina and David. I really think the show glossed over so much of the internal feelings and nuances of these characters.
Ghostwriter chapter 6 . 9/5
Poor Regina. I can't even IMAGINE how hard it has been for her. And poor Snow ofc. Keep it up.
MageVicky chapter 6 . 9/5
oooh that last part with david and regina was great. i loved it. with david realizing just how young regina is, and everything. love it. thanks for writing that bit.
Guest chapter 5 . 9/5
David was far more competent without Snow than you’re presenting him. You can make August important without trashing David. Eye roll.
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