Reviews for Interview
Luc Star chapter 2 . 10/31/2005
extremely good.. i can see that you're creating your own universe here and so far.. i'm liking it very much. can't wait to read the next story. take care and keep up the great work. tata.
ellennar chapter 2 . 7/28/2005
Wow - Lake is one hard woman (or godling). I'm certainly not a member of Lionel's fan club but that was brutal enough to be payback for what he did to Lex. I must say I find the mysterious Baron intreging and it's nice to see something logical, well written, and internally consistant since the 'professionals' on the show can't seem to manage it.
Crazy Danae chapter 2 . 4/20/2005
Wow! You are rough on poor Lionel... So I have a quick question for you. During this last season, he seemed to have a mental turnaround until the double-Lex espisode. Do you think he had truly changed? Do you think he'll go back to his old ways?
Crazy Danae chapter 1 . 4/20/2005
OK, loved “shut the blank up!” I'm totally hooked! Your "Specials" sounds a lot like the Hellboy special ops department, but I'm sure it's way different. It's sad that Lake has to be totally controlled, but it is understandable. I'm really looking forward to reading the rest of the chapters in this story... but it may take me awhile. My chapters are usually much smaller! ;-D
markmark261 chapter 2 . 9/26/2004
Really great story. Wow, Lake's really scary - I was feeling sorry for Lionel. I thought your bits about Randal and his problems with looking through Clark's eyes were really interesting. Also really liked the way you ended the first chapter. Clark's comment about the Supertramp song made me feel old.

Minor quibble: I thought the ending of the second chapter was really effective when I initially read it but the more I thought about it afterwards the more impossible what Lake was doing seemed.
Calen chapter 1 . 3/1/2004
I didn't get this at all. This was weird, not very clear.
Rebel Goddess chapter 2 . 10/17/2003
Superb story. I loved the bit about Clarke's Law! You're right, Lake is deeply, deeply creepy. Lionel's even worse though. I love your stories. They're so deliciously different. Expect more feedback soon and don't you dare stop writing. RG.
Miss Meehan chapter 2 . 9/29/2003
Well after your last email I felt challenged to read the interview. Once again I must say you are an amazing and imaginative writer. The level of detail you put into a story are incredible. As a side note I have turned your name over to the proper authorities for Lionel abuse. Follow link for further details.


Qw chapter 1 . 9/2/2003
It's definitely a refreshing break to find a fic about (among other central things) friendship among the alphabet soup of clexs and clanas and all the rest. It really is touching to see Clark's open interaction with the agents, and their understanding. Speaking of which - I love your original characters - they rock so very much (though I too have been successfully intimidated by Lake, especially post-epilogue) but they still have weaknesses, still seem human (even Nikki). And you write with such style and humor. Excellent. :)
butterflybrain chapter 2 . 8/4/2003
again, wow. amazing springs to mind, but it's not enough to describe this.
butterflybrain chapter 1 . 8/4/2003
wow. just... wow.
LaCasta chapter 1 . 7/3/2003
This is amazing! I particularly love the way you've found fresh ways to convey the sense of finally feeling genuinely part of a group. The way that Lake and Nicole are just a bit scary despite their friendliness towards Clark is excellent, too, they aren't the "generic team of very very very good guys."
ScoopGirl79 chapter 2 . 6/20/2003
this is really really good. I hope you write more soon. if you get a chance read one of mine. But keep it up. :) its great! you put a lot of time and hard work in it.
samirant chapter 2 . 6/19/2003
D, that was too creepy for words... how the heck am I supposed to get to sleep tonight?

(Psst, good job, by the way)

GroveSideMonster chapter 2 . 6/19/2003
Oh. That was to spooky! Though I did like Lionel finally getting his comupance. Yeah for Lake. Lionel isn't really sociable enough to get to know Clark for the kind of person he is. And perhaps a bit too paranoid. To Lionel everyone has to have a 2nd hidden agenda. Kinda' sad really.

Keep writing! (Even if you don't continue this; keep writing other stuff!) (_)/

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