Reviews for Law Crazy
Compucles chapter 3 . 5/15/2014
You know, it was very unprofessional for Kenshin to introduce Kaoru by her first name at that business meeting when everyone else was on a last name basis.
Compucles chapter 2 . 5/6/2014
You do know that Japan uses yen for currency, right? 400,000 yen a year is very little. By the way, you used "employer" twice in place of "employee."
Compucles chapter 1 . 5/6/2014
Very good so far, except you've mixed up the names of a few of the characters. Unless you're using Eastern name ordering (which you clearly are not), their names are Kanryu Takeda, Seijuro Hiko, and Sojiro Seta, not the other way around. (You haven't given his full name yet, but just to be clear it's Hajime Saito, and there is no "h" in Saito no matter how you romanize it.)
Guest chapter 28 . 2/16/2014
lovely story really liked just wish you developed their relationships more
Tanimoro Hyuga chapter 1 . 2/14/2014
Great Sherlock Holmes story you wrote there... Thanks for the great story!
am chapter 27 . 7/19/2011
when you go into a different person's time line you should put something like ********* between the two different people's lines so that your readers aren't always trying to figure out whose story the are following now. I think I should also let you know that Las Vegas is not in California, that is Los Angeles. Vegas is in the state of Nevada. Doing your research before you write something is what all good writers do.
Dark Blossom22 chapter 28 . 12/29/2010
I fell in love with story years ago and just a few days back I remembered it .. And now I love it even more since im studying to become a lawyer. :D
Assassel chapter 28 . 11/25/2010

You're story was really it seems rashed. I mean, there are some thoughts that are scattered and words are too light. There is a need of in depth writing.

And the flow of story will be improved greatly if you added () symbols like that to denote that this part is not related to the previous part or something.

Hoping to read more of your works.

More power to you and God bless.
SRAS9 chapter 28 . 2/5/2010
Awesome story! I loved it! The end of the case was a complete surprise to me! Great work! But I wanted to read a kiss scene between Kenshin and Kaoru :( They were almost kissing for at least 3 times! And the story ended without them kissing! :(

But it was an awesome story!
cyanemonele chapter 28 . 10/31/2009
I really had fun reading your story
nitaBonita chapter 28 . 5/25/2008
ah! omg! i really enjoyed this fic! it was really awesome! it had me on the edge of my seat... well bed... lol the entire time. its lyk 3 :30 in the morning but now i don't think that i'll be able to go to sleep with all the buzzing and all the hyperness i got from your fic! lol

n e wayz i really lyked it! and your an amazing author, which is why i thorouly enjoy your fics!

The Jade Sabre chapter 2 . 1/21/2008
umm... no one in their right mind would work for 400,0 yen a year. it's only equivilent to about 3800 US dollars.

It seems like you meant the equivilent of 400,0 USD.. its about 42.5 million yen.

good concept though
ElizabethMarieBennett chapter 2 . 10/21/2007
Loving it!1
Sakura Kaoru-Chan chapter 28 . 10/10/2007

You did a marvolous job on this fic! I had a great time reading it and I'm sure that your late friend, Cynthia, would have also loved it.

Sakura Kaoru
Sakura Kaoru-Chan chapter 26 . 10/10/2007
Wow! Your uncle must be really rich. I bet it's great to go and visit him. Your fic is wonderful. I just started last night and can't seem to do anything before finishing it. I think that if it wasn't completed then I would have drowned in anticipating the next chapter!

Sakura Kaoru
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