Reviews for Paradise Hotel, Anime Style
Arikia the shape shifter chapter 1 . 8/7/2003
Hey pplz its me Arikia AKA: Rena.

you guys i'm sorry but my computer crashed and i cant get the net back. I know I know, stupid me. but I promise to make it up to you readers okay?

Avalon, i will put you in the next chapter...but i gotta talk to the other authriss (sp?)

Heather, I'll try to put you in too but i still need to ask.

So pplz please don't get mad its not every day my net gets turned off. Please forgive me, and if you want to talk to me, my yahoo! ID is:


and you all should know my e-mail


Arikia Otami Mati
Freakofnature10 chapter 1 . 7/24/2003



Appearance:Dark red hair, with light red highlights, shoulder length. 5'6. 120lbs. Bright Blue eyes.

Personality: Likes to have fun, playful, but can be very serious

History:Grew up in Canada with her parents and her sister and brother. Was in an all female punk band.

Talk Out Loud chapter 1 . 7/9/2003
Name: Avalon (* . .who. . . . .coughcoughcough*..*twitch*..) alrighty then on with the rest of the form thing..

Age: 13

Occupation: Being alive..i guess

Appearance: Black hair, green eyes, 5'8", 118 3/8lb

Personality: Smart, kinda funny, kinda stupid and loves Sano *MINE! his. rar. get away..* She also loves fire and the colors blood red and black. she is kind of gothic punk type person and deathly hates anything cute/cuddly/fluffy(with Fluffy being the ony exception of coarse..)/pink and or pastel/anyone overly preppy * .coughcough*/anything that looks, sounds, feels, tastes, or smells like a squirrel. ~death to the evil rabid squirrel king!~

History: i was born. i went to school and passed 1st through 8th grades somehow (not as much as i can say for * .coughcough*), and now i am sitting in front of my crappy computer. yay 4 me?

Other: um..toast .; no, wait, its comeing to me... OH YEAH! i wanna be a co-host! plz plz plz plz! ~im starting to sound like someone i know..scary~ But just dont drop cows on me...plz.

neways great story so far c ya!

Rock On