Reviews for Tales From The GovernmentInExile
FaBbEr0oZ chapter 1 . 3/11/2013
I have no doubt that Seven would get on her knees to "worship" Janeway
Steeleafan chapter 1 . 7/31/2010
"Theology, Seven? But, of course, you're on, what, your third major

religion?" I loved that line so much. This was great.
CruellaMiranda chapter 1 . 6/18/2010
Oh, I remember reading this quite some time back. Just fell upon it again and (again) struck by its beauty and the wonderful job perfectly describing the two women as they would be post-homecoming. Just lovely.
european coffee addict chapter 1 . 9/10/2005
I ran across your story a couple of time and every time enjoyed to read it.
Melpomene blue chapter 1 . 8/30/2003
What a wonderful concept. The characterizations were right on and the thought of Seven searching through the major religions is not entirely unreasonable. Good job throughout.
Ajax chapter 1 . 7/2/2003
Excellent story, I can see Janeway in such a state. A problem of a lot of long term military people when mustering out can be the stress from lack of control. The military gives orders, but also takes care of a lot. Housing: there is someone to take care of it, medical:same, school:same- out of the military and your the one responsible. Janeway as leader and cut off from everything- the ship was her universe- could easily have a hard landing. A sequel would be great- how much is Seven involved in the recuperation? Why is she involved? Did she get Janeway committed? Are Seven and Chacotak still together and are they helping together wiith J's trouble? Thanks for writing such a coll story, Sincerly Ajax
Raven Sage chapter 1 . 7/1/2003
As horrible as it is to say that about someone...

I can see that as a possible situation. It's hard to go from being depended on year to year or hell as you call it 'worshiped' to being everyone else.

It's unsettling to lose all that you know, especially if its something that sets you apart from others. It's hard to admit that you are a regular person with fault and with promblems.

When you start to run, you keep running, because stoping could mean losing the best part of you *or so you think*

deep story, and you're right... she'll never lose her worshipper, in fact whether or not she knows is I bet others in the crew still feel the same way, much to their dismay.