Reviews for Breaking The Habit
cesuraee chapter 32 . 3/28/2015
Very intriguing story! I really liked the development between InuYasha and Kagome. It went really smoothly and I liked the ending a lot. Thanks for sharing.
Siera-Knightwalker chapter 32 . 6/17/2013
umm... aint u changing the whole damnable plot? this site will be the end of me if i am left wirh so many mysteries unsolved! ja ne
sexymama25 chapter 31 . 4/15/2013
I really enjoyed your story I hope you continue to write more excellent stories
inugome chapter 2 . 10/18/2010
Last chapter was short and sad. ;;
oxsugarxcoatedxo chapter 28 . 8/1/2009
Aww, so sweet and sad that its coming to an end

Anyways great job so far
oxsugarxcoatedxo chapter 25 . 8/1/2009
Good so far :]
oxsugarxcoatedxo chapter 21 . 7/23/2009
aww i love it :3

Great job so far
oxsugarxcoatedxo chapter 19 . 7/15/2009
I love it so far :3
poems2songs chapter 31 . 1/27/2009
wonderful story... really liked it... good job... great work!
AwesomeHachi1521316 chapter 31 . 7/27/2008
I know you had finished this story 5 years ago, but I had just come across it a few days ago and I just got done reading it. I really loved it! :) I hadn't read anything with this plot before so that's a good thing. You're really good at digging into the characters for their true emotions. You can really see and explain how they feel. So it made the story better cause you knew how the characters acted. Like how Inuyasha would feel guilty but then push that feeling away to feel anger instead cause that emotion is what he knows best.

I think only Inuyasha and Kagome can pass through the well but even so having Miroku and Sango pass through it in this story was so much fun. I really liked having them all hanging out in her time and going partying. Oh that reminds me, how old are they all in this? Did they get fake IDs or something cause I'm used to having them around 16-18 age group. Anyway, it was cool to see how Miroku and Sango would react to Kagome's time.

It is such a realistic thing for Kagome to want to party and have fun other then think of Death coming after her. Pretty much everyone would act like that. I thought it was kinda weird that Death was a water demon though. The clubs parts were fun though with the drinking, dancing, music, and girl talks. Miroku was hilarious when he was talking about when girls get together and talk it's an evil thing. Haha. There were funny parts all throughout the clubs. Having the songs in the story actually made it more easier to imagine instead of just saying they were dancing to a slow song. I liked most of the songs too. Think Twice and Tainted Love were my favorites though. :) Picturing Inuyasha and Miroku in their outfits was kind of hard though and extremely funny. :D

When Inuyasha was there though it was easier to see his possessiveness and caring for Kagome in her time cause he believed there were more dangers there with the water and what not. It must have been hell for Inuyasha to wait for Kagome to wake up for a week. :( Poor guy. Really good story! Good mix of both times. I will be reading your other stories in the future.
theunknownchild chapter 1 . 6/10/2008
I have to say, this is one of the best prolouges I have ever read.

I have read your story before, but I saw it on someone's favorites and decided to re-read it.


The prolouge gave me shivers...
Santorsola chapter 31 . 12/2/2007
Amazing. Amazing and so much more. You are an incredible authoress in all aspects, and this fic certainly highlighted that in bright, neon lights, and I am fairly sure that whatever you are up to in your life right now, it has something to do with writing. I hope that you're not an English teacher though, I think you'd only end up throwing overhead projectors at the students who are asking for it.

Thanks for the memories, they were suberbly, mindbogglingly amazing.
paulita448 chapter 31 . 12/1/2007
Wow... This story was simply amazing! I couldn't stop reading *grins sheepishly* Is by far one of the greatest stories I've read in a while, your writing style simply enthralled me!

It was really wonderful )

And even though you wrote it a freakin' long time ago, I just felt I had to review

Well, that's it...

Bye! *waves*
Ballad chapter 31 . 11/30/2007
W-O-W! This is one of the best Fanfictions I have EVER read! No other Fanfiction had made me come closer to tears as this one has! I am so very thrilled to have read this story, and I couldn't seem to pull myself away from the computer screen as I was reading it. It is such a beautiful story, and I will always cherish this Inu-Yasha Fanfiction for the rest of my life.
AMYNOXI chapter 28 . 7/19/2007
you made me cry you mean person i thought she was going to die

i dont think i like you now but i still like your story



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