Reviews for A King's Ransom
Guest chapter 32 . 12/13/2018
I love this story, you wrote it so well! I wish their was more but either way its still awesome!
landwen chapter 32 . 1/28/2018
it was so good. i loved it.
IMayOrMayNotExist chapter 22 . 10/18/2017
Well, I'm glad this follows events of the book. Love this story by the way.
Legolas Fan chapter 21 . 1/10/2016
Okay, so this clears things up with Boromir a little. Poor Legolas, though!
Legolas Fan chapter 14 . 1/10/2016
What! Total surprise! You are just lucky that I am not a fan of Boromir! Other than this, you are doing a great job writing this story. You have intrigued me greatly, so keep up the great work!
Guest chapter 28 . 9/26/2014
Isn't Gondor's palace on the seventh level? How did orcs get pass the guards on six levels?
DracyGiuliana chapter 32 . 3/25/2014
That was perfect! I really love the plot and your style! Just perfect! And Boromir was totally unexpected! I mean, I suspected everyone! Faramir, Eomer, even Elrond and very briefly Gandalf... which is just ridiculous. And for every one of them I found reasons why they couldn't be the cloaked guy. My main suspect was Eomer though... but at the same time he seemed too obvious because you dropped so many hints about him! And well, I obviously didn't think of Boromir because he was kinda dead. So yeah.. that was awesome and I really really liked it! :)
Lady-Miraculous101 chapter 21 . 8/26/2013
Tokiyoshi chapter 14 . 5/24/2010



though overall, great storyyy. loving it. :D
warrior of worlds chapter 32 . 8/10/2008
aww not bad, you had a good story line but the chapters were too short for me but it was still very good
Whilemina J. Farnsworth III chapter 9 . 6/19/2006

I like your story, but I can't help but point this little thing I noticed out-

You can't kill an Elf.

In battle, MAYBE, but not in a hit-deposit-ransom-note-and-run situation.

that Elf would be unconcious (sp?) for a while, then get up, pluck ou the arrow, heal, and walk away as if nothing happened. Oh well. I still like it. .
madamwolf chapter 32 . 9/13/2005
Your stopping already? Okay I know 32 chappies is hardly already but make a sequel. Plese. You left with a sad ending and I hate sad endings. Okay then, bu bye. _
LGL137 chapter 18 . 6/21/2004
Suspence is one word that I am feeling right now, and stories never make me have this much suspence...poor leggy...
got-lotr chapter 32 . 4/9/2004
Beautiful! BEAUTIFUL! *sobbs* i hate good-bye endings. _
got-lotr chapter 24 . 4/9/2004
heheh. YESS! DIE EVIL OLD WIZARD DUDE! *not gandalf* PWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! ok ive had to much sugar.
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