Reviews for The Uke Support Group
Guest chapter 1 . 11/30/2013
i loved it soo much i didn't want it to be over
reddoggie chapter 1 . 9/12/2012
oh my god this was crazy funny! che, the thought of having a uke support group, good job! I have to say, loved Yuuta and Shishido da Thanks!QQ
manaika chapter 1 . 7/31/2010
... I want a sequel...

This is just so hilarious and amazing! Love the Pooh costume. And Keroppi. And the whole idea of it! It's just... I can't stop laughing!

How about they have another meating? This time with Kamio and Ibu around and with Kaidoh returning the borrowed Pooh costume and mentions of Keroppi. I love Keroppi. It just suits so fantasticaly to Shishido, it makes my sides ache!

Love it. Seriously love it. It's the best Prince of Tennis drabble-fic I've ever read (besides the m-preg drabbles, but that doesn't count since it's multichaptered).

I want more of this hilariousity!
pentalion chapter 1 . 7/22/2010

But, I actually don't know what's going on with Jirou. What is he? And what would have been at the end of Shishido's questions?

Free of Mundane Thoughts chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
Wow, that was absolutely hilarious. They're so... GIRLY. xD I love how the SEMES were doing makeovers... ; I don't even really want to know who was at that meeting. Or why some of them agreed and accepted that type of thing. Like Oshitari. He doesn't strike me as a "makeover" type of guy.

Loved the description of Eiji in the beginning, and the part after the end with Eiji and Oishi. Not to mention the completely random stuff like the Pooh costume and the Powerpuff Girls vs. Godzilla. It's just so random it makes everything more hilarious than it previously was.
Rennes chapter 1 . 8/18/2009
Vous etes tres droll, mon amie. Je l'aime bien!
yllom21 chapter 1 . 7/29/2009
This story was hilarious. I loved that it was Shishido's pov. And the entire concept was great. Excellent job!
tokyo girl 05 chapter 1 . 4/24/2009
I give in! This was too funny X-X; D Lol Wheel of Morality xD
Kishire-Zangetsu chapter 1 . 10/9/2008



You. Are. LORD.

This was so unbelievably I fell out my chair and my mother came out of her room and asked me what the fuck I was doing.

This part is especially funny:

"For one, Echizen, Kaidou, and Fuji are all hiding in the corner behind the couch and armchair." he stated, holding back a satisfied grin.

"TRAITOR!" a voice snarled from behind the couch.

And this one:

"Told you it was a good idea to get Shishido in here. We have a fourth for Bridge now." Yuuta stated, voice quiet to not alert the rest of the group to the fort's existence.

His remark was met with confused stares from Ryoma and Kaidou.

"Bridge? I thought we were playing Poker." Kaidou whispered back.

"I thought we were playing Gin..." Ryoma added.

Shishido looked up from an impressive multi-tiered house of cards.

"I thought we were playing Godzilla vs. the Powerpuff Girls..." Shishido mumbled to himself, moving his hand to discreetly knock over his card house.

Three hands stopped Shishido's. He looked up, only to be met with the eager faces of his fellow fort-dwellers.

"...That sounds fun. Can I be Bubbles?"

You are amazing. Do write more. Perhaps telling us the members of the Seme Support Group *Tezuka probably had his name permanently put into the system and now suffers the worst possible fate in all the cosmos...poor Tezuka. Though I can't really say I feel sorry for him. Anyway, I'm rambling, but in short, I loved it.

Apple Bubblegum chapter 1 . 6/24/2008
PWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH. SO *gasps with laughter* FUNNY!

*chokes on saliva from laughing too much*

i think that i shall favourite it. (:
POTL chapter 1 . 5/26/2008
lol nice
Akazy chapter 1 . 3/10/2008
this story is hilarious! the cake part is just *_* wow. thou i just began to study French so i don't get some of what Yuta's saying (thou i think i'd be better of not knowing _)

nice story!
Peppermint Kiss chapter 1 . 1/3/2008

that omake particularly cracked me up.

you, dear, are a tensai :)
Sakura-Moonlight chapter 1 . 10/27/2007
Loved it!
mandarin'peel chapter 1 . 10/4/2007


oh wow. that was so hilarious. i loved the part where shishido tried to save ryomas innocence because yuuta and kaidoh were lost causes. ryoma was very bratty in this story as well XD

and kaidoh and the hello kitty song was too perfect. ahahha

who is ryomas seme in this story though?

haha, ballet school for ryoma XD
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