Reviews for FRIENDS 2 LOVERS
Guest chapter 1 . 8/13/2019
I hope she wasnt raped
phillynz chapter 4 . 8/14/2019
I love that sammy and andy are her brothers
phillynz chapter 3 . 8/14/2019
Freking diamond
Web2theweb1 chapter 12 . 5/25/2014
But love it
Anonymous Reviewer chapter 1 . 3/19/2010
What a piece of crap.

Do us a favor and delete this insult to literature.
Shanz chapter 12 . 4/10/2006
very short and sweet it was good
Luna-girl-2004 chapter 12 . 5/25/2005
The story was pretty good. I like the concept of it all but don't rush through it before you post it. I do like the fact that you are going back to fix things.

What you posted at first was fine but that is when you go and get it down on paper then let it sit for a while and go back to fix things. You have the talent but just be patient with a story.

It helps when you read it like you are someone else. You see things better that way. You notice things that make sense to you but not another person. Good Luck with your other stories.
EndOfYourWorld chapter 12 . 2/12/2005
I can honestly say that this is one of the most God-awful pieces of shite I have read since "Artemis' Lover". You take sensitive issues such as rape and miscarriage and turn them into a farce. Quite frankly I was insulted by your trivialisation of these issues. Your lack of knowledge of the mental effects of rape, not to mention the mental effects of a young woman fathering the child of her rapist, was disturbing to say the least.

What I found even more disturbing, however, was the amount of reviews you received, and, even more than that, the amount of these that were postive. It really shows how much this site has gone downhill when tat like this receives such praise. Honestly, I despair over the intelligence level of some of your readers.

Your spelling and grammar were atrocious. You really have no excuse. Most word-processing programs come with some form of spellcheck. Use it, for God's sake. Or, better still, get a beta reader.

Please, don't subject those of us whose taste still remains intact to any more of this pointless drivel.
Deh-Jah-Vuu chapter 12 . 9/7/2004
I loved your story! You had some spelling mistakes and the correct way to spell 'lothal' is 'lawfully.' If you want i could go back through and correct some of your spelling because i really loved your stor and I think it was pretty well written.
yentle montang chapter 4 . 5/6/2004
Your story has a great plot and great diolage, but I just couldn't see your compleate potential being put to use. YOU HAVE A GREAT TALENT FOR WRITING. You should try to put more detail into your writing and try not to use the same adjectives over and over. A word of advice from a novelist, always try to grab the attention of your readers from the very begining. Look at A TALE OF TWO CITIES, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." Always try to use something memorable in your stories. Don't stop writing or even become dicouraged. Continue to write. You're doing a wonderful job.
Pyro-Girl chapter 12 . 4/29/2004
the words are "do you _ take _ to be your LAWFULLY wedded husband, through sickness and in health? Til death do you part?" that's most of it...well, correcting what u put it. Just so ya know it! lol Great chapter!
krn5rul3 chapter 12 . 4/27/2004
hey plz write more.
aserene chapter 12 . 4/27/2004
great ending. I really like it!
shelum chapter 8 . 4/26/2004
Thisa is really good update soon
Moon-Princess13 chapter 12 . 4/26/2004
I actually stayed awake through this chapter. It's great that you disregarded my review, but at least you should've heeded my suggestion and ran spell-check...half of this thing is unledgible. There's so much of this story that's rushed and hardly any of it is explained. Your 'fan', HBerry, or whatever her name might be, emailed me...I tried emailing her back, but her email wasn't working or something...Anyway, you two go hand in name is a PEN NAME, it doesn't mean I'm an *actual* princess, (duh), much like how she's definitely no Rikku. Considering this story is now finished, if you ever decide to post again, please re-write this story, not that I care all that much, but for the people that *do* like your story. And if you ever want to post any other stories, GET AN EDITOR. And perhaps a few english lessons may help...
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