Reviews for Strangely Divine
BowieQueen chapter 28 . 3/2
I enjoyed your story. I loved Salisbury. I went there in 2008!

I picked up on some of your Englishy words (I was born in the UK), and it didn't bother me at all haha.

Thank you for your story.
Roksolana chapter 28 . 10/16/2017
I am so, so sad that this amazing story is over! I am in love with your Jareth, Sarah and all OCYour writing is awesome! Thank you so much! Please keep writing!
Roksolana chapter 19 . 10/15/2017
WOW! what a twist!
Roksolana chapter 18 . 10/15/2017
That was intense!
Roksolana chapter 16 . 10/15/2017
Omg! no-no-no!
Roksolana chapter 12 . 10/15/2017
Awwww, their sex talks are adorable!
Roksolana chapter 2 . 10/14/2017
Your descriptions are so well written that everything and everyone comes to life! And your Jareth is so witty, smug, hot and I like him a lot!
Roksolana chapter 1 . 10/14/2017
I love your writing style! Can't wait to read the whole story!
ariella21 chapter 28 . 2/19/2016
Really enjoyed this story couldn't stop reading it
AuraDove chapter 28 . 9/19/2015
This was quite an amazing tale you spun~! Though I admit, this is the most confusing and blindsiding chapter I've read in this fic. *scratches the nape of her neck, slightly confused* Sarah and Jareth were getting along swimmingly pre-admittance and it feels, rather suddenly, like neither of them can handle the true breadth and depth of their feelings for each other post-admittance. The sudden turn of his family is also- odd, almost awkward. A slap to the face at the very least. Jareth's question was valid (they seemed very gung-ho to get him and Sarah to acknowledge their love for one another so he could finally marry and take up the throne. At least, it came across that way) and now... it's forbidden and preposterous?

Overall, this is an amazing and very well done tale. The nuances of Sarah and Jareth were spot-on, imo (other than the smoking, but that's also - obviously - personal bias. I don't find it glamorous or as something "cool", which is how it seems to be portrayed to me). So, yeah! Amazing fiction; brava~! *applauds*
AuraDove chapter 22 . 9/19/2015
Obviously only on chapter twenty-two, but I wanted to mention that neither Sarah nor Jareth really seem OOC to me. I can very easily see them behaving in the ways that they do. The only thing that was really jarringly OOC - to me - was... well, Sarah's smoking. I believe readers had an issue with this little quirk mainly because her smoking is treated as alcohol in a way. I.e. a drink here and there doesn't make a person an alcoholic. However, cigarettes aren't alcohol... I've only known maybe two people in my life that could pick up a cigarette, smoke it, then be able to drop it. People do this with alcohol all the time; it's uncommon for a person to become addicted to it, even if they drink once a day. You can't smoke a single cigarette a day and then claim not to be a smoker (and not be addicted to cigarettes). I believe that's what readers were getting up in arms about, imo. And, y'know, that Sarah doesn't seem to be the smoking type to a vast majority in the fandom. Other than that, they/she seems to be pretty IC to me. Good job~!
Guest chapter 28 . 5/10/2014
Please please please I am begging you to update! Please please please!
TendernessOfTheHeart chapter 6 . 2/8/2014
Haha this is strange, I'm reading this on the 8th of February and in your story this date happens to be 'Jareth's Birthday'...
Anyway, I love your story!

Sincerely yours,
Monki-Neko chapter 2 . 11/4/2013
ugh, i hate how stories always make sarah either conform to the high court protocols, that is so not her. sure, she'd learn some or all just to be polite and respectful but i doubt she'd do it for the goblin king or for the fae, who arne't really known for being kind to humans, much less one who actually outwitted them.
Fantasymyownworldofhearts chapter 28 . 6/8/2013
Wow! This was an epic story, I loved how it all fitted together. The mythology was excellent and the OOC were amazing too! This is now one of my favourites! Thanks for writing and I desperately hope you did a sequel!
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