Reviews for Mating Rituals
contrarymotion chapter 4 . 12/19/2006
*sigh* that was lovely. The way you wove the story in and out of the mating rituals of beatles and tied it up at the end - that was wonderful.

Keep up the good work.
DreamsofLife chapter 4 . 7/8/2004
I thought this story was wonderful. Great idea with the comparison to insect mating!
J. Rockwell chapter 4 . 1/2/2004
Always a wonderful way to finish a piece- get the characters to profess their dying love for one another. I fully enjoyed reading this...twice. Great work but you know improvements are always supposed to be made. JK you're awesome!
J. Rockwell chapter 3 . 1/2/2004
Why do you have to change things on me? I'm your beta and half of this I don't remember reading!
Oh you can be so stubborn. You and you're give me headaches.
BTW you know I loved the chapter! :D
J. Rockwell chapter 2 . 1/2/2004
Great work on the angst as always. You do have a sense that even I cannot ignore. Get you're eyes open for the grammar girlie.
J. Rockwell chapter 1 . 1/2/2004
I don't know how you come up with half of the things you put on paper. It's a wonder you can function in everyday life...then again maybe that is why you can function.
Great work, chick.
luxor chapter 4 . 11/20/2003
How great an ending was this? I went back and re-read this fabulous story from the beginning. Uniquely interesting idea and so believable it should be canon. Thanks for such a well-written and realistic look at how the G & S relationship could and should be. Definitely going on my favorites list.
Micky Fine chapter 4 . 11/17/2003
Really solid ending. You made Sara and Grissom's relationship and the way they got together realistic. Enjoyed this fic a lot.

-Micky Fine
Annie Lune chapter 4 . 11/17/2003
Great last part of the story, I loved it. The way you compared Grissom and Sara to bugs is just fantastic, I wish there were more chapters. Keep up the good work!
CynthiaLunar chapter 4 . 11/17/2003
I'm not traditionally a big Sara and Grissom couple fan but I can't deny that I loved this story. The concept was certainly a unique one and the writing was superb. I'm now going to have to search out the rest of your stories. :)
thousand-miles chapter 4 . 11/17/2003
OOH that arguement in the beginning and especialle Grissom being so protective. Oh you got me there, I lvoe it when he goes all protective! WIsh he'd do that with me too! This really rocked! It was so good and I loved it all! You've created this orignal story which was excellently written. My Queen, I bow my humble head. You are Queen of the world!

Geena *who falls on her knees out of humbleness*
Anonymous chapter 3 . 10/23/2003
Very, very clever. But double-check your punctuation.
luxor chapter 3 . 10/20/2003
This is so fabulously written. You build the tension so well. I am bummed that Part 4 is not up yet! Incredible story so far.
AngelWings8 chapter 3 . 10/18/2003
God! I wanted to swear, but was worried about the rating. Whatever. This is great. Really, really great. Thank you, another fantasmic G/S writer, for posting!
thousand-miles chapter 3 . 10/18/2003
Told you once and I'll tell you again. I love it. This was so much better than the scene in the episode! I really wish they'd hire you as a writer! Really a truly great and very HOT moment between Grissom and Sara. And finally he admits it: "He needs her". *Sigh* doesn't that say it all! *Must go now, my man's waiting for me...I hope we're going to reenact that scene of yours*LOL!

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