Reviews for Broadsides
Guest chapter 5 . 2/20/2012
Katherine Maureen is my actual name...
damsel-in-stress chapter 8 . 1/25/2009
So far this is a really good story. I love your OC Katherine; she's very believable and genuinely seems nice. In many ways i can easily imagine her being James' sister. They are very different on the outside but on the inside they're quite similar. The heart to heart was very sweet! :)

I love Gillette's infatuation and James being wary. I can't wait to see what happens between Gillette and her.

I will be back to read and review later. I really can't wait.. D

East-Coast-Invictus chapter 1 . 2/8/2008
I have only yet to read the prologue but shall sit down one day and read the rest of this, an obviously superior and superb story. In fact, I look forward to it.
Sachita chapter 32 . 7/24/2007
Oh. I loved this.

It was so beautiful to read.

Katherine's dead-there you made me cry

Gillette's dancing-here you made me laugh again.

Such a great story with so many twists- I have actually seldom read a story that had so many exceptional and wonderful expressions- I love how well you can use the words.

And your story is also very accurate in the historical sense- one notices, that you are an expert on that topic.

Again-simply amazing.

Greetings, Sachiza
cequins chapter 3 . 6/12/2007
Lol, Gillette can be so utterly stupid, I feel almost sorry for him. :D Really am liking this story already. Norrington gets more interesting when there's some other element added to his life, though I'm hoping by the time I finish with this, he gets Liz? I know it's too much to hope for, with so many Willabeths out there. Oh well, will have to keep reading to the end. :)

My only critique is some of the descriptive detail, for example Edward Norrington and the bit on his influence, however informative pertaining to James's personality, made me want to jump over all that and get back to Katherine and her brother. Other than that, I can't find anything large enough to point out.

BTW, I very much like the addition of Darby (yeah, one would pretty much know I *LOVE* horses!).
fido02 chapter 1 . 3/28/2007
pretty good u made james a little too emo didn't you

i the h/c connosier
AniCrackersInUrSoup chapter 33 . 7/20/2006
I think this is the best story I had ever read.I literaly cryed tears of sorrow and righting! Poor James!
FireChildSlytherin5 chapter 32 . 7/18/2006
Good story. Love it.
papermachine chapter 28 . 3/13/2006
I read this fic a while back ago and remembered it as one of the best PotC fics out here.

But now I remember why I discontinued reading Broadsides; because I was too upset with Katherine's death!

You have a gift with words and I really am in awe with how you can manage to so eloquently describe everybody's feelings.

(Do you have any idea how much I've cried, reading these few chapters here?)
BookWorm848 chapter 4 . 9/27/2005
We get it, it's been 8 years. Sheesh. If you mentioned it once you said it 10 times!
solarsummers chapter 1 . 8/3/2005
I just began this story, but from the moment I read the synopsis, I knew I would love it.

I love your writing. I know I told you that when I began reading your Phantom of the Opera fic, but this story just confirms it.

What a great idea to write a Norrington-centric fic! There are far too many stories out there about Will and Elizabeth and even Jack Sparrow. This one stands out for its storyline as well as the quality of the writing.

Looking forward to reading and reviewing each chapter.
Nyssa Damaskinos chapter 32 . 12/6/2004
God I love that story! I just had to come and read your story all over again! I've fallen in love! I'm so sad it had to end! You are so eloquent with words! I wish your story could have gone on and on! I guess I'll just have to be glad that you even wrote it, I feel so bad for Gillette...I wish he could have been with Katherine. I really wished that could have happened, but I love the element of tragedy you added in!

I don't know what else to say except you are a fantastic writer and I hope you write more fics on Norrington soon! (Of course, because I love him!) well, I guess I'll be reviewing sooner or later!
Seph chapter 32 . 11/18/2004
*Whistles* Goddamnit, this was good! A very nice account of the commodore outside of what the movie portrayed him, and a most excellent characterization too! Very insightful, and a delightful read. I hope to find more writings of James by you... Keep up the good work!
Polychrome chapter 33 . 10/15/2004
I don't know if you'll ever read this or not, since this story was finished quite a while ago, but I felt I should drop you a review since I've been so bad about checking for updates. I was thrilled to see you finish this story! It was a wonderful, touching ending. And while I would have enjoyed seeing you extend the storyline into the courtship of James and Melissa, I guess it's really right that it ended where it did. It was Katherine's story, so it wouldn't have been quite fair to continue on w/o her. I loved James thoughts on her gravestone collecting moss. Very poetic. So thank you for this wonderful story.

Talyn chapter 1 . 9/28/2004
This story was excellent - I am amazed by both its quality and its depth. Your OCs are excellent, and I particularly like your take on Gillette. Many kudos to you, .

Also, I am thrilled that you have done your homework regarding some practices within the Royal Navy of the time, including Norrington's lead on your (very exciting and well-written) ship to ship battle. Your historicalisms are the best I've ever read in fan fiction - I sincerely hope that you will continue to write more.
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